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Chiho pov
I follow Akrame silently as well make our way over to the makeshift hospital. I keep an eye on her making sure she doesn't attack anyone. After everything had somewhat settled down everything turned for the worst. Instead of being grateful to Akira for taking on a tailed-beast by herself they blamed her. Especially for Minato and Kushina's death, don't they understand she not only lost her parents she watch them take there final breath. We get closer to the tent and I nod at Boar hes the only one I trust to keep Akira safe.

We enter and fine Akira sitting up in bed staring into space. Neither me or Akrame say a word, she starts removing the Iv in her arm. It really hurts seeing her so lifeless, "How long was I out?" Her voice comes out rasp so I silently hand her a cup of water. "You were out for 3 days...You missed the memorial service." Akrame voice was weak which was not normal. Akira shuffles to the edge and trys to stand, wincing a little

I immediately rush over, "Easy baka youre body took a toll." She sighs slightly, "I'm fine Chiho." Akrame growls her hair shadowing her face, "Cut the crap Akira your not fine! You watch people you loved died and hell you almost died yourself!" She finally looks up tears streaming down her cheeks.

I feel my eyes water too and I clinch Akira arm, "She's right baka, we're family so you're not supposed to lie to us." Akira takes a shake breath and looks up eyes closed. "You guys are right I'm not okay. But I will be in time, so don't go getting all emotional on me Akrame. It's normal for Chiho not you okay." We both wipe our tears, and before anything else can be said the tent flap opens revealing Frog.

"Black wolf the hokage and elder would like to see you." Frog who normally friendly practically spoke with ice in his voice. I feel Akira flinch a little, "All right let me get dressed." He shunshin away and I help her get on comfortable clothes. She attaches her mask to her him and takes a deep breath. She stops lingering by the entrance. "Chiho and Akrame you too have always been more than cousins to me. You two are my sisters. That being said whatever happens I need you two to remain in the village for me." She walks out before we can say a word, a sicking feeling of dread enters my stomach.

"I don't like this one bit Chiho. How did they even know she was awake." I swallow the lump in my throat, "I don't know Akrame but all we can do is be by her side."

Akira POV
I hold my head high ignoring all the things being said to me. Its crazy That I let all these people down.

"You should have died instead!" I freeze on spot and blink rapidly trying not to cry. There right it should have been me, why am I alive!? Chiho tugs me along, both her and Akrame shield me from the shouting crowd. "You better not be listening to there fucking crap." I look over at Chiho slightly surprised, she doesn't like using 'foul language'. "You did something no one since Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju could do." I smile slightly, "Who knew you could say fucking crap." She slaps me in the arm slightly and Akrame snorts, "Oh shut up." The rest of the time there was silents between us, which gave me slight comfort.

Until I saw my 'friend's', they all look at me and turn away. Which hurt more than words could describe, guess they blame me too. We finally arrive at the council chambers and I already know it means nothing good for me. Danzo had a smirk on his face and my heart immediately drops. Chiho and Akrame linger behind me, "You summoned me Lord Third?" I can see the pity, regret and sadness in the old man's face, "We are aware you had just woken up an hour ago but this is a matter that cannot be put off." Danzo speaks up, "Blackwolf although you have served the village and accomplished many things in her name over the years. The events that took place 3 days ago cannot be over looked. You where supposed to protect Lord Fourth and his wife along with Biwako-sama. But you failed horribly resulting in those three named being killed, along with hundreds of deaths. This is by far the biggest failure you ever had."

Koharu nods her head, "Not to mention the destruction of half the village." Homura frowns, "All of these things where caused by your failure Akira." The old man let's out a puff of smoke, "The council has decided you will stripped of your ninja status, and banished from the land of Fire from this day forward." It feels like the wind was knocked out of me as I stare at them in disbelief. T-There serious after everything I have done?!! Akrame was screaming at them and Chiho was holding her back tear gathering in her eyes. But she wasn't letting anything fall. I breath out my nose so I won't cry, "Can I at least see Naruto and say goodbye to my Uncle?"

Danzo shakes his head, "No you must leave immediately, and I do not think its a good idea for you to see the nine-tails jinchuriki." I clench my fist, "I'll wipe that fucking smirk off you're face you shit!!" I'm sorry but I won't be able to keep the promises I made you Kaa-chan and Tou-chan. I grip Akrame shoulder before she actually attacks Danzo. "I will respect the councils decision and leave immediately. But if you try to use my brother as a weapon i will come back and raise hell on earth."

I take my headband off and take my mask off my hip, throwing them on the floor. I pause hearing more things hit the floor and Chiho speaks, "We both resign from shinobi duty from this day forward." They both put there hands on my shoulder and I teleport us to the front gate. Chiho takes off her pouches along with her cloak. Akrame hands me all the scrolls she had on her, "There's fuinjutsu supplys in there."

I seal them into my wrist and smile at them sadly, "What did I say about getting emotional." They both crush me in a hug, "Just be careful out there." I chuckle pulling back, "I will I promise, I need you two to do me a huge favor." Akrame gives a weak smirk, "What do you need baka." I shake my head, "I need you two to watch over Naruto please. When people find out he's a jinchuriki its going to be rough..." Chiho laughs lightly, "Like you even have to ask he's out little brother too." I sigh,

"And watch over the village." I say quietly, "What!! Why the hell would you want us to do that. When this place has just fucked you over." I run my fingers threw my hair, "Because I promised Tou-chan i would for him. But seeing as I can't now..." Akrame sighs dramatically, "Fineeee we will." I laugh and stick my fist out to them and they do the same. I walk away from them slowly and step outside the gate. I turn to look at them smiling softly, "I'm sure will see each other again someday....."

They grin weakily, "Course we will...." I jump into the trees already sensing Bird tailing me. After all I did they didn't trust I would leave, tch.  No matter people have shown me there true colors today and that's what's most important to me.

So goodbye Konoha.

Kakashi POV (short)
I stand in line with every other anbu looking up at the hokage and someone ivs never seen before. "Everyone this is you're new anbu head Wolf. Blackwolf has been banished from The Land of Fire." My eyes widen and my heart drops, she gone? "If you find her in our territory you must capture her or chase her out. Is that understood!!"


I numbly make my way outside of headquarters and pull the necklace out from under my shirt. I never got the chance......


Dun Dun Dunnnn!!!

This is the last chapter of this book sadly. Did you guys see any of this coming lol. Poor Akira after everything she's done that's how she was paid back.

What do you think is going to be Fugaku's reaction when he hears the news? And poor little Itachi lost his role model. 😭🤧

I already have the sequel's prolog written out now I just have to edit it.

Thats all my lovely readers~

PS. Please stay safe! ❤

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