Saying good bye

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Kakashi POV
I was walking around with Obito and Rin they were talking about something but ignore them. Then Obito points in a direct, "Hey aren't those two Akrias cousins why do they look sad." I look closer at them and they both have there heads.

They both run to them while I walk to them. "Hey why are you both so down." They look at us and Chiho glares what did we do. Akrame puts her hand on Chiho's shoulder, and Chiho looks away looking like she is going to cry. Akrame sighs, "Were fine its nothing to be concerned with."

They both walk away holding each other tight. Run shrugs, "Lets go get some ramen." On our way we hear whispers, "Hey did you hear what our head is doing to save more live?" I get confused, "Ya we are luck to have her I hope she makes it to the end." Head who could they be talking about?

We arrive and order our ramen, but what those lady were talking about. Could this have something to do with Akria.

Akria POV
I open the front door to the house to find mom crying on the coach and dad looking like he's fighting his back. "Umm are you guys ok." They both look at me and mom grabs my shoulders roughly, "How could you agree to this!" I close my eyes already knowing what she is talking about.

"I didn't have a choice mom." I'm trying so hard to stay calm, and she lets go of me. "Of course you had a choice you just didnt take it!" I clench my fist and look her straight in the eyes, "What was I supposed to do!!!, let Danzo send the genin let them die while I stayed here safe!!!" They both look at me shocked as I continued my rant. "I have the skills, the chakra, the experience they have none of it mom!!" I let feel blood running down my hand, "Me going means they can learn more get the experience and I'm sorry but I made my choice and nothings changing it."

I push passed them and walk into my room and close the door sliding down against it. Tears slide down my cheeks, I didn't want them to cry but I have to do this. I wipe my tears away and pull out a duffle bag and start packing it full of weapons and medical supplies. I grab some scrolls and seal it and extra cloths in it. I put them next to my bed and lay down just staring at the ceiling.

Minato POV
I manage to calm Kushina down and left to go get some ramen. I open the curtain and find my students and I must a fake smile. I place my order and look at them, "Its a good thing I ran into you three I'm going to have cancel training."

Obito frowns, "But why Minato-sensei." I sigh, "I'll tell you guys because I don't want to lie to you." They all look at me listening closely, I close my eyes. "Akria is being sent tomorrow to the front lines." They all shout will except Kakashi who stares wide-eyed, "Wwhaat!!"

"Minato-sensei why is she going!!" I give them a sad smile, "I told you guys she always wants to protect the people she cares for." I grab my food and smile at them, "If you guys want to say goodbye to her be at the gates at noon and try robe on time Obito." With that I walk out and walk home, I really dont want her to go but she has her mind set and then there's Danzo. I sigh, I pass a store and I see a gold pendant and I get a great idea.

Kushina POV
I knock on Akria's door and hear a "Come in." I open it to find Akria laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. She sits up and pats a spot next to her, I sit down next to her and we sit in silence.

I close my eyes, "I'm sorry about earlier sweety its just I don't want to lose you." She puts a hand on mine and smiles, "Hey don't worry about it your just worried about me." I pull her into a big hug and start crying while she gives just as hard. We pull apart and I wipe my tears while she lays down.

"Why don't you sleep in her with me mom." I smile at her, "I would love to ya'know." I turn off the lights and get under the covers, I pull her close. "Goodnight mommy, I love you." I kiss her forehead, "I love you to ya'know."

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