Return and Ambush

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Third POV
The war had ended and now Minato Namikaze was the fourth hokage and he and his wife, his team and most of the shinobi were waiting for one person. Akria Yanka Hozuki, many shinobi owed there life's to the head, even Fugaku Uchiha was there with his wife Mikoto and little Itachi Uchiha.

Her cousins were pacing back and forth, they really wanted to see her she wasn't a cousin more like a little sister. Minato looks at the third, "Do you think she's just running late." The Third looks at the path, "I am not sure Minato but this child is well determined to get home." So they all stand there waiting for the girl to come.

Akria POV
I was limping a little back home that last group of shinobi were stubborn. I was walking slow with my hands behind my head, I smile I'm final going home.

Then everything seems to freeze a knife goes through my stomach and I get kicked into a tree. I pull out the knife slowly and look up to see three assassins. "Well if it isn't the famous Black wolf many people want you dead." I stand up and activate my eyes and make a katana out of blood.

"Who sent you three." They laugh at me then the one in the middle laughs, "Ill tell you since your not going to live, um I think his name was Danzo." I growl stupid old bastered, I grip the haul of the katana tight.

One sighs, "Can we just kill her and get the money." They all pull out there weapons and we stand there for what feels like forever and we run at each other. These guys are fast I'm at a disadvantage with the wound in my stomach.

I try to make an offensive but with my leg and stomach and there's speed. I have to stay on the defensive. I jump away while doing hand signs, "Earth style; earth spike jutsu!" the spikes shoot out of the ground at a faster speed. Two of them manage to dodge but one gets impaled right in the stomach, the one that was taunting at me growls, "You bitch I'll make your death painful." The other one stays quite and doesn't show any emotion as his partner charges at me blindly, I slow my breathing and wait till he's close i push his sword throw my leg and bring my katana through his chest.

I put my katana out of him and he falls to the ground with a thud, I stand there panting as the last one circles me. He seems more skilled than the other two, before i blink I'm flying and hit a tree. Before I get up again Im hit again and i go rolling on the ground and lay there breathing heavy, blood lost starting to catch up to me. I feel a kunai go through my legs and arms keeping me to the ground, I cough out blood as it starts to feel my mouth. Lifting my head slowly I look at him as barely making out his face as black dots dance across my vision. 

He laughs like an insane person and pats my head, "Ah this was fun but your two weak to do anything so your going to die." I lay my head back down and close my eyes, I'm sorry guys but I don't think I'll make it throw this one. He stands up, "As much as I would love to stay and watch the life leave you I have to go kill a boy thats in the leaf, hmm his last name is Hatake i think." My eyes snap open and I look straight at him with anger in my eyes, "Don't you dare touch him," I hiss with as much venom as I can.

He laughs at me, "Like there's anything you could do look at you." I growl I will not let him touch Scarecrow, I can't die here not now. Ignoring the pain from me pushing of the ground I stand out and pull the kunai out throwing them on the ground. He smirks at me, "Oh you can still stand well it doesn't matter with the amount of blood you losing you'll be dead." My arms hand on my side, bangs covering my eyes as I steady my breathing,I release more charka this is at least 85% of it now.

I look at him both kenkki genkai activated my eyes burning with rage, "No I'm not going to die, the one who is going to die is you!!" I let charka starts circling into my hand and it makes I blood katana with the glow of charka on it. I run at him as fast as I can, I will not let this man live he will not touch anyone from the village!

Minato POV

I was standing there waiting for Akria to arrive, why is she taking so long to get her. Most of the now chunin were sitting on the ground drawing in the dirt. Kushina was pacing back and forth worry clearly in her eyes, suddenly I feel a spike in charka coming form the forest not to far from the village. I go wide-eye only one person as so much charka and thats Akria, I look at Lord third and he nods at me. I look at Akria's cousins, "You to with me now everyone stay her please." 

I was about to take off but a hand lands on my shoulder, I look and see Fugaku concern in his eyes, " I'm going with you Minato I owe her my life." I nod at him as we take off to the source of the source I hope nothing happened.

As we get closer there was kunai, shurkin in some trees. We come to a patch of forest and there is 3 bloody bodys, blood was everywhere. Chiho pushes past me and goes by a figure laying against a tree still breathing.

"A-Akria its me Chiho and look Akrame is here to." I go stare in shock as Fugaku stands next to me, "Those three are known assassin's Minato."

I my jaw tightens, I get closer to then and get on one knee and touch her cheek. "Akria sweety can you talk." She slowly lifts her head and gives a bloody smile, "H-hey guys l-long time no see." She looks at me, "H-hey papa can y-you put my hand on my s-stomach my arms are broken."

I do as I'm told and her hand starts glowing red for a bit but she stops. "I'm need a hospital I've missed to much blood and I'm about to pass out."

I pick her up carefully and look at Fugaku, "Can you get rid of these bodys?" He nods, "Just get her to the hospital." I start running as fast as I can I feel Akria head hit my chest. I run faster, the crowd was still there. Akrame and Chiho run a head and starts moving people making a path.

I run straight to the hospital and bust through the door. "We need help!!" Nurses and doctors come running and put her on a bed. "Get her into surgery now shes losses to much blood."

I try to follow but a nurse stops me, "I'm sorry lord fourth but you have to stay here." I stand there watching as Akria disappear through the doors. I slump in a chair, a few tears escape my eyes. Why did this have to happed, who hired assassin's to kill her.

An image of Akrias bloody body runs throw my mind. Who ever hired them will pay for what they have done. I make two clones one to get Kushina the other to get me a pair of clothes. Akria will make it she is a strong child, A nurse comes back and looks at me. "Sir we need blood can you give us some", I'm about to reply but a voice interrupts me "Take blood form both of us just save my daughter please."

I turn and look at Kushina who has tears in her eyes, I bring her close as to me as we enter a room with two chairs. The nurse sticks needles in both of our arms and blood starts going into a packed. She looks at at us, "It says here that the patient is your adoptive daughter is the correct." I smile, "Yes she is and we are luck we have her." She looks at us as she takes the needle out of our arms, "Since this is a blood transfusion your blood can change her appearence and possible give her some of your clans specialtiys."  Kushina smile, "Then I hope she looks more like me ya'know."

I chuckle a little and i hug her, "That would go well with her personality." The nurse leave back into the surge room and I sit back in the chair with Kushina's  head on my sholuder. "Hey Minato." i  humm in response, "Do you think shes going to be okay." I kiss the top of her head, "Of course Kushina she is as stubborn as Tsunada." Her breathing slows down meaning she fell asleep, I feel my eyes starting to close please be okay Akria.

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