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Shizuka POV
I was walking towards Akria's office I was nervous, asking her on our first official date it all has to be perfect. I knock on the door but no one answers huh that's weird,so me being me I open the door slowly.

Scanning the room my eyes land on Akria. She had her head on her desk, eyes closed her breathing was steady. I smirk mischevously and get closer to her, "Akria there closing the ramen shop!!" She falls out of her chair and scrambles to her feet looking around startled. I start laughing hard holding my stomach, "Y-you s-should see your face!!" Her face turns into a scowl and hair starts flying around ignoring gravity. "Don't joke about that you idiot!!" I put my hands up in mock surrender with a smirk, "Alright Alright I won't, but I came her to ask you something very important tho."

She raises a eyebrow and I take a steady breath. "Do you want to go out with me later tonight on a date." I look at her as she closes her eyes and walks closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck bringing me closer to her. "Sure way not." I kiss her gentle on the lips, "Thank Kami I was afraid you were going to reject me, ill come by your place around 6." I was about to walk away but she pulls me back towards her, "Hey what kind of kiss was that? I expected more out of you Uchiha." I smirk at her and kiss her with more passion, we pull apart and she pats my chest with a smile, "That's more like it now get your butt to work." I bow, "Hai Blackwolf." I walk out and smile to myself this is going to be the best date she will ever go on.

(Timeskip getting closer to six)

Akria Pov
I look at myself in the mirror kind of nervous. I hope my outfit isn't to much and papa doesn't freak out.

 I hope my outfit isn't to much and papa doesn't freak out

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I walk downstairs and mom is already in front of me. "Awww look at my baby girl all dolled up." I blush and there's a knock at the door, I kiss her on the cheek. "Bye mama ill be home later and can you make sure dad and Uncle Fugaku don't try to spy."

She nods and pushes me to the door, I open it it and blush at the sight of Shizuka. Wow who knew Uchiha's could clean up so nicely. He looks at me and turns red, "Um y-you look stunning Akria." I giggle and kiss his cheek, "You don't look bad yourself lets get going." He leads me to the middle of town to a fancy restaurant. We spend the night talking and laughing and were walking to the river enjoying each other's company . I'm really glad I gave Shizuka a chance.

Suddenly an anbu appears in front of me, "Blackwolf you needed at the hospital now Inu is in critical condition." My eyes widen and without waiting I teleport to the anbu hospital. Kakashi was all bloody his mask was ripped, I don't hesitate to start barking orders. I look at one of the anbu who is Kakashi captain. "What happened!" He tells me Kakashi has trouble following orders and on mission he went after three rouge by himself. He killed to without mercy with his Chidoi he but he got stabbed in the chest. I nod my head as Kakashi begans to stabilize.

I order everyone out and sit in the chair next to him. I make two clones, one to go apologize to Shizuka and one to get me clothes. My clone brings me sweats and a tanktop so I go to the bathroom to change. The same clone goes to kakashi house and gets some of his close.

I lay my head on the bed feeling tired all of a sudden. A yawn escapes my mouth as I glance at his face. Stupid baka making me worry he needs to stop being careless.

Kakashi POV
I groan as I wake up my body hurting all over. Looking around I notice this isn't a normal hospital maybe one anbu use. Then I notice someone sitting in a chair with there head down. Dark brown hair with red and yellow in it, yup its Akria. D-Did she stay here with me and heal me. I try to sit up but that makes a groan escape my lips making Akria stir.

She rubs her eyes and looks at me, a blush creeps on my face. She looked more stunning than usual I was about to say something but she cuts me off. "Baka you need to be more careful on mission's and listen to your captain. Because of you I had to leave my date now I'm sure your getting annoyed so let me go get my Tou-chan." She leaves in a black flash, while I clench and un-clench my fist. So I'm to late she already has a boyfriend im such a baka, a couple minutes later Minato-sensei appears. "Ah it's good to see you awake Kakashi. How are you feeling?"

I nod briefly, "I'm okay Lord fourth." He shakes his head at me as he sits in the chair Akria once occupied. "How many times do I have to tell you just to call me Minato-sensei like always." Shrugging at him I get serious as his facial expression changes, "I hate to get right to business seeing as you just woke up but this is very important to me. As you know Kushina is pregnant, she doesn't want me to assign any guards to tail her so what I am asking you is an S-tank mission. I want you to watch over her in the shadows." I look at him a little stunned, "M-me are you sure Minato-sensei. I mean I'm not refusing it but wouldn't Akria be more suited."

He nods while leaning back in the chair, "She would be more suited for the job but the circumstances are the same for her as they are for me. With her position as head of all anbu departments she is always busy. And not to mention the amount of enemies she has as well. We both agreed to keep an eye on Kushina as much as we can but I would feel better with you watching over her." I look down at my hands then clench my first, I failed Obito and Rin, but I swear I won't fail Minato-sensei.

Looking back up at him with determination I nod my head, "I won't fail you Minato-sensei." He stands and puts a hand on my head with a smile, "I know Kakashi now get some rest you need it. I'll be by later okay." And with that he disappears in a yellow flash. Laying back down I stare at the celling looking at it blankly, please help me keep our loved ones safe and loan me you're strength......Obito.

The young anbu (Kakashi love story) Under editingWhere stories live. Discover now