The Uchiha Family

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Kakashi POV
I groan as I feel someone shaking me, "Hey scarecrow get up I made breakfast." I open an eye to see a grining Akria very close to my face. I blush as she walks to the door laughing, "Come on you perv before it gets cold."

I grumble, and I put on my outfit for the day and pull my headband on my eye. And keep my mask around my neck and walk downstairs to see Akria already eating.

I sit down and start eating the omelet and enjoy the taste. "You know Akria you are a good cook." She smiles as she takes her plate to the sink and begans washing it.

"Thanks scarecrow that means a lot." She begans to walk to the door, but she stops and looks at me with a big grin. "Thanks for making me feel better and staying here, ill see you around okay." I smile and wave at her, "Ya see you around flames." She looks confused but then sees her hair.

"Haha very creative scarecrow." She opens it and walks out leaving me alone. I look at my half eaten omelet and smile, maybe things won't be so bad.

Akria POV
I was in no hurry to get home so I decide to go the market place. I had bought an apple when a little boy with an Uchiha symbol ran into my legs.

I hear a fimilar voice, "Itachi where are you." I smile at him and he blushes and takes my hand, I walk to the voice and see Fugaku Uchiha looking around.

I smile, "Hey Fugaku is this who you looking for." Little Itachi runs to his father who picks him up. Fugaku smirks at me, "Its been awhile Akria."

I smirk back, "Indeed it has didn't think ill see you here." He pays for his food, "My wife sent me she has a friend over, how about you come meet her."

I think for a moment and put my hands in my jacket pocket, "Sure I'm in no rush to get home." We start heading to the Uchiha compound and I hear some villagers whisper, "Isn't that the Uchiha head and Anbu head." "Ya what do you think there doing together."

I ignore them and look back at Fugaku, "So Fugaku who's this little guy." I see him smile a little "This is my son Itachi he's 5 years old." He looks at me and blushes, "May I now your name miss." I smile at him he so kind, "My name is Akria Yanka Hozuki head of the anbu." He looks at Fugaku, "Papa is she the one who saved you and your squad."

Fugaku nods his head, "Yes she is and you will show her respect understand." He nods his head, "Hai father." We be to the compound gates and a guard stops me ruffle, "Why is the anbu head hear." I raise a eyebrow, "You got a problem pretty boy."

He throws a fist at me and I stop it with one finger. Before he can do anything else Chiho and Akrame appear and pin him to the ground. Fugaku comes back and frowns at the Uchiha and I sigh.

"You both get off of him and why are you here." They get off of him and get on one knee, "Hokage-sama wishes to see you so does Master Jiraiya and the third."

I look at both of them, "Stop being so formal and tell them I'm busy." Chiho steps forward but before she can say anything I look at them both, "That's an order."

They bow and poof away while the Uchiha comes at me again only to be stop by an angry Fugaku. "Attack her ever again an you will face a harsh punishment." He looks scared, "But Fugaku-sama she has done nothing for us." He glares with sharigan blazing, "She is the one who saved us all that day." He goes wide-eyes and bows, "My apologies please come to the Uchiha compound anytime."

I smile at him, "Its okay I can understand why your so hostel plus I have a temper too." Fugaku smirks as the Uchiha jaw drops at my kindness. Little Itachi grabs my hand and drags me into the compound. I pick him up and put him on my shoulders, as I walk next to Fugaku feeling the Uchiha stares.

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