The hospital and meeting a sage

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Kushina POV
I open my eyes and rub them I look next to me and see Minato still asleep, my heart hurts at the thought of Akria. Why did this have to happen to her she was almost home too, my thoughts were inturrpted coming out of the room. I shake Minato and we both stand up, "Are you the family of Akria Yanka. I hold Minato's hand tight while he speaks, "Yes we are is she okay what happen." He looks at us with a smile, "She pulled through and is resting right now."

He looks at his chart, "Do you want to know what the way her wounds suggest." I nod my head, "Yes please i want to know what happen to her ya'know."

He looks back at the chart, "Her stomach wound was by a knife to the back that means she was ambushed, next she had a few fractured ribs meaning she got kick multipe times into something hard more and likely a tree."

I start shaking and Minato pulls me into a side hug. "Then there were kunai marks in her arms and legs that went straight throught the bone they more and likely did it to pin her to the ground."

He looks at us, "But she is healing extremely fast." I find hope in that and I look at Minato, "Can we go see her." He nods his head and we follow down the hall then he stops at a door and me and Minato walks in.

I look at her and when the nurse said our blood was going to change her appears she wasn't lying. Akria's skin was tanner like Minato's, her hair was still dark brown but there was red at the end of her air with a little yellow making it look like fire.

She looks like she got taller to maybe 5'1 instead of 4'11. I pull up a chair and sit right next to her bed, Minato puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Kushina I don't want to leave but I have to go to the office." I smile, "Akria wouldn't want you missing it anyway ya'know." He kisses my head and poofs away and I look back at Akria.

I lay my head down on my arm, "Please wake up soon sweet, we all need you." With out knowing I feel asleep.

Akria POV
I sit up with a major headache and rub my eyes. I look around to notice a gray and black all around me nothing else at all. Well this is kinda depressing, I stand up and start walking in a random direction.

Hmm where exactly am I, shouldn't I be in the hospital? I hear a chuckle and quickly get in a fighting stance.

"Who's there show yourselves." Then the room turns bright and I close my eyes. I open my eyes to see an old looking man in front of me floating. "Hello child I am the sage of six paths."

I get confused if he is why is he here with me? "Eh if you really are why are you here and where are we." He looks at me seriously, "There is a prophecy for told there will be a war which unites shinobi kind.

I go wide-eyed and get serious as he continues. "There will be three shinobi that will rise and save all shinobi kind and you are one of them child."

I get confused, "How exactly so super old geezer sage." He sighs, "Many people no the story of my sons, but I also had a daughter who was older." He looks kinda sad I feel bad now. "She was the strongest of the three and had an amazing amount of chakra."

I gasp, "So are you implying I'm her reincarnation." He smiles, "Yes you have 4 great clans blood running throw you." What did he say four clans, "But I only belong to two clans." He shakes his head, "You lost a lot of blood so your adoptive parents gave you some of there blood now you have Namikaze, Uzamaki blood in you meaning you are now faster, have more chakra, and have the Uzamaki chains."

I just make an 'o' with my mouth and look around. "Hey do you think I can heal myself from in here I want to wake up now and see everyone." He smiles, "Just concentrate and focus your chakra, I will give you some of mine so you will be all healed when you wake."

I do as he says and I can feel myself fading from where we were, "Hey will I be able to talk to you again." He nods his head, "I can speak with you through your mind." I wave at him as I fade, I open my eyes and close them a little do to the bright light. My hearing comes back and I hear yelling in my room, why can't I wake up peacefully once.

Sarutobi POV
I'm in Akria's room along with Kushina, Minato, Inoichi, and Danzo. Kushina hair starts flying everywhere, "Your not going threw her mind she's recovering ya'know." Then Minato sends a harsh glare at Danzo, "You have no reason to go throw my daughters mind."

Danzo looks unfazed, "We have to check and make sure she's not putting konah in danger." I hear a tch, "Ya like ill let you see what's in my head you asshole." All our heads to the bed where Akria was sitting up with her hands glowing red over her right shoulder.

As soon as she stands, Kushina and Minato hug her and she hugs back. I smile at them while Danzo frowns he knows he's not getting in her head since she's awake.

"Hey mom, dad can you guys get me some ramen and dingo I'm hungry." She pats her stomach and they smile, "Sure kiddo and look you have your mothers eyes now." She looks at herself and smiles, "Not only that dad I have your speed and moms chains." I get confused, "How exactly do you know Akria?"

She looks at me and smiles, "I can feel my chakra is bigger and I can tell with my body change in faster." I nod it makes since, with out a word Danzo poofs away and Minato and Kushina leave out the door to get her food.

Inoichi bows at Akria, "Thank you for everything you did during the war." She just smiles, "There is no need to bow I will do anything for my village and comrades." Inoichi smiles and walks out the door as soon as footsteps couldn't be hear Akria puts up a barrier.

She looks out the window with a serious face, I just stand next to her waiting for her to speak. "I know who sent the assassins after me." I put a hand on her shoulder and she sighs and looks at me in the eye.

"It seems Danzo is in a hurry to get rid of me, not only that the assassin said his next target was Kakashi." I frown, "We should tell your father he is active hokage now." She shakes he head, "Both of them would freak out and do something stupid and I'm going to ask you to keep an eye on Kakashi."

I smile at her, "Of course I will, now shall we leave the hospital and go for a walk." Without saying anything she runs with her clothes to the restroom and 5 mintures later she's already in the hall.

"Come on old man I hate hospitals." I sigh and walk out next to her, "You know I really wish you would stop calling me that." She laughs, "There's no fun in that plus nicknames for me are a sign that I care."

She opens the door and stands there frozen. A huge crowd of shinobi and regular citizens were there clapping and whistling at her. Then Akria gets tackled by Chiho and starts getting hit in the head. "You idiot you scared me and Akrame have to death!"

Akrame sighs and pulls Chiho off of her and as soon as Akria stands up wacks her in the head. Akria rubs her head as a small child comes up to her hugging her legs.

"Thank you, you saved my daddy I want to be just like you." Akria smiles kindly at him and gets down to his height. "Don't try and be like me, be a better person and always protect your loved ones the best you can."

She pushes him back to his family and looks at the crowd. "Listen all of you there is no need to thank me, I will always do what I can for this village and my fellow shinobi I never go back on my word that's my ninja way."

Minato and Kushina walk to her and pull her close as she smiles. Akria has the respect of everyone she will make a fine hokage some day.

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