Anbu dominance

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Akria POV
Me, Akrame, and Chiho all were walking to were the anbu were waiting. I stand right by the rail they both stand right by my side but a little back. They were separated the older anbu were on the right and the recruits on the left.

The right side starts cheering but the recruits just look confused. I raise my hand and it goes quiet. Then a recruit decides to speak, "Who are you?" I motion Chiho and Akrame to stand next to me and they do. I put chakra to my throat to amplify my voice, "This is Silver sparrow and Lighting fox my right hands."

I let half my KI out and I can see some most the new recruits are having a hard time while the others or use to it. "I am your head Black wolf, you will listen to your superiors, us teamwork to complete the mission, Am I Clear!!!"

They bow, "Hai Blackwood." Then a yellow flash appears next to me with the council and lord third. I get on one knee, "Black wolf the council wants you to fight the roots head, someone believes you are not strong enough for your position." I get up and glare throw my mask at Danzo this asshole, ill beat the crap out of his root head.

I nod my head and look at my anbu, "Everyone clear the training field now!" Then a root appears next to Danzo who's smirking, Akrame growls and Chiho snarls.

I jump down so does the root and we look at Papa. "Blackwolf by order of the council you are to fight Darkshadow the root anbu head." Then Danzo steps forward, "If you win Blackwolf you will stay in your position, if you lose Darkshadow will take your place."

My jaw tightens there is no way in hell I'm letting him control Anbu. I calm my breathing, man I just got out of the hospital can't I get a break! We both were in a fighting stance, hmm I wonder if he can handle my KI. I make sure that its only felt in around us, I can fell his heart beating fast.

It was silent for what felt like forever the Danzo voice booms, "Now Begin!!!" I throw my special kunai everywhere and release only 25% lets test him.

Kakashi POV
The pressure of her KI was crazy, and now she has to fight to keep her position anbu is difficult. Akrame and Chiho stand next to me with Shizuka and Akrame sighs, "This is not even a challenge to her." Shizuka looks at her I think can't tell with these mask. "How can you tell?" Chiho giggles, "That guy can't take all of her KI, she only gave you guys half earlier."

My eye widens, that was only half, I turn back to see them both run at each other. Kunai clashes with katana, Akria kicks him hard into a wall making a crater.

The root anbu makes rapid hand-signs and yells, "Lavastyle: lava explosion!!" I huge stream of lava shoots out fast towards Akria who has her hands crossed not moving. Another recruit yells, "What are you doing move!" A older anbu with a bird mask chuckle, "That won't do anything have faith rookie you have a lot to learn about Blackwolf."

The smoke clears and Akria is still there not harmed at all. "Is this all your root has Danzo how pathetic." Then there is a spike in chakra and I see a blue glow come from her mask is this one of her Kekkei Genkai.

She put a her katana up and a glow of yellow comes out of her left eye hole. A katana made out of blood molds in her hand, then chains shoot out combining with it making it dangerous. Then she appears in front of him and slashes his leg and kicks his ribs we hear the bones cracking.

He was trying to get back up but he couldn't. But then two other root members appear and kick Akria, she manages to land on her feet.

Akrame growls, "What the hell Danzo!!" I look at her like she's crazy talking to an elder like that. He looks unfazed but Minato-sensei looks angry, "You must prove you can still handle more than one enemy." Akria gets slashed in the stomach and arm, and kicked into the wall.

She sits there against the wall not moving, her head down. Then her shoulders start shaking, laughing like this was some kind of game then poof. I stare in shock that was a clone this whole time! Clapping was coming front the ceiling, there was Akria sitting and a purple chain.

"Man Danzo you shouldn't underestimate me you asshole." Chains shoot out of the ground and wrap around the root anbu, Akria jumps of the ceiling and as soon as she touches the ground lightning flows through the field.

I cover my eyes and as soon as it goes down all the root layed there passed out. Akria was directly infront of Danzo on the rail glaring. "Does the council still doubt me?" He doesnt say anything but they leave except Minato-sensei who smiles.

"Well done your getting better with your chains see you at home." He flashes away and Akria faces us, "Everyone get back to the missions, oh and Inu get them out of here." I groan how did she know I was Inu, she just found out today I'm anbu. I sigh and do as she says taking them to anbu hospital.

Akria seems she always has pressure on her from the council. How can she handle it knowing she has thousands of life's in her hands?

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