My choice

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Kakashi POV
My alarm clock started to go off and I rub my eyes and look to see Akria was gone. I change real quick and go downstairs and on the table is a plate of bacon and eggs with a piece of toast. There's a note next to it and I pick it up to read it.

Dear Scarecrow

Thanks for taking care of me, I'm not eating ramen they give me now. But I had to leave and deal with anbu stuff. Its such a drag, but oh well it my responsibility. Well hope you enjoy your breakfast, see you around scarecrow.

From Akria

I smile at the note and eat my breakfast and put the plate in the sink and head to the trying grounds. I see Rin and Obito they look like they have a hangover. I stand by them and glance at Rin, "You know Run it wasn't nice to spike Akria ramen." She massages her head, "She just needed to loosen up."

A poof of smoke appears in front of us reveling a panicked Minato-sensei. "Have you guys seen Akria she didn't come home last night." Rin and Obito start to figet and I sigh, "She stayed at my house Minato-sensei and she least this morning saying she had to deal with anbu stuff."

A wave of relief washes over him, "Thank goodness, thanks for looking after her Kakashi." I just grunt in acknowledgment and Obito grins at me. "Its not like you Bakashi to be nice to someone, you like her don't you." I look away, "Tch whatever lets just start training." We walk to the middle and began to spar, but I can't help but think do I like Akria?

Akria POV
I slam my hands on my desk grabbing my mask and katana with Chiho and Akrame right behind me. "How many are there Chiho?" She closes her eyes for a minute, "I say 5 and judging by the chakra there anbu but not ours." I call two anbu, "Gather all available squads and lock down the village gates." They poof away and I'm running out to deal with it, "You two go with the hokage and elders and make sure there safe, frog come with me."

Akrame and Chiho change direction and I'm sprinting to the signatures. I throw kuneai and they all jump into a clearing. I pull out my katana and frog pulls out a sword. They take out there weapons and run at us we take there attack head on. Three come at me while two go against frog, I slice at a torso and stab someone in the leg. I infuse chakra into a punch and land it in someone's gut.

I glance at frog and see him get hit into training ground seven, I really hope there not there. I want to go see if hes ok but the 5 surrounded me and one with a tiger mask speaks, "Your the leafs Black wolf am I correct." I just close my eyes getting ready to use both Kekkei Genkai at the same time. I let out a steady breath ready for a fight.

Minato POV
We were training like normal Obito and Rin were sparing when a figure came crashing throw the forest. I run closer and see its one of our anbu and he is badly injuryed, I help him sit up and remove his mask and see its a man about 20 years old. "I have to get back to captain." I push him back down. I look at my team and then look at Rin, "Rin come here and heal him the best you can." She gets on her knees and puts her hand over his stomach and it glows mint green.

I stand up and look at the direction he came from and look back at him. "What exactly is going on?" He stands up slowly, "Silver sparrow felt 5 foreign charka signature they belong to the village hidden in the stones anbu, Capitain has put the village on lock down while she personal came to deal with it." Before I ask who he is refering to I heared a bloody scream, and he starts taking off in the direction. I follow behind with my team as we are running I feel a huge charka signature one that can rival a tailed-beast, who could have that much charka? We get to a clearing and I see a figure standing in the middle and see 4 bloody bodys, while one looked unconsiuse. The anbu runs to to who i think is the Capitain, "Captian!, are you okay." I hear a laugh, "Yes frog Im fine, are you okay?" 

He nods his head, and she turns and looks at the body's, she makes handsign's and blows a white fireball, wait there's one person who produces white flame. "Akria?" Her head snaps to me and she sighs, "Don't use my real name please." She looks back at the anbu and she hands him the unconsuise, "Take him to interigation I want to know why there here." He bows and poofs away and she looks at us. "You four get back to the village were on lockdown for now, and Its an order." Then she disappers into black and i look at my team who looks horrifided, " M-minato-sensei did she really kill them." I run my hand throw my hair, "Come on you heared her we need to get back." We run in silence back and I can't help but wonder whats going on.

Akria POV

I call all my captins to my office and have a map spread on the table, " I want to increase patrols here, here, and here." I look them all in the eye and slam my fist in the table, "We can not let them get this close to our village do you understand me." They all bow "Hai Black wolf." Chiho and Akrame poof in, "Akria the Hokage and elders wants to see you." I run my hand down my face, "You two come with me to make she I don't bite off someones head." We put on our mask and poof in front of the concil on one knee, "You three please remove your mask and stand." We stand Chiho on my left and Akrame on my right, Danzo looks at me and smiles, oh boy thats never good. "Akria do to our shortage on shinobi on the front lines we are going to send you to the front lines."

I go wide-eyed and the Hokage slams on the desk, "We can not send our head to the front lines." Akrame growls, "Listen you old fart shes not going." He smirks, "Well we'll just send the genin and new chunin then." They start arguing while I ignore them, I have a higher chance to survive than they do and I have more experance. I can't let these generation lose so many so I now what I need to do. "I'll go." they all stare at me in shock will Danzo just smirks, that bastard. Chiho grabs my shoulders, "You can't be serious Akria!"

I push her hands off, "Chiho I have fighting experience they don't have." Akrame stands next to Chiho, "Then were coming with you." I shake my head, "No you two are staying here and I leave you in charge with the village." They both look at me said but nod there heads, I look back at the Hokage. "When do I leave?"

He looks at me with sadness, "Report here tomorrow at noon we will give you a map of all our troops you are to help them all." I nod my head and poof away to Hokage mountain and rest my head on my knee. My eyes look at the village memorizing everything I'm going to miss this place.

Hokage POV
I called all the jounin about what Akria is going to do. I can see why she agreed to this but I don't want to send her she is still a child. I clear my throat, "We will not be sending any genin or new chunin to the lines for now."

Most look relief but Minato looks confused, "Then who will you being Hokage-sama?" I sigh, "We talked this over and we are going to send the head of anbu." He goes wide-eyed like he had frozen, then a new jounin raised his hand. "Who is the head of anbu."

"Black wolf and she has agreed to go, the once in charge of anbu while she is gone is going to be silver sparrow and lighting fox her right hands." Minato seems to snap out of it and he looks at me, "You can't send her she's just a child." I smile sadly at Minato, "I'm sorry Minato but the council voted to swnd her and she agreed to this."

He clench his fist and sighs, I dismiss them and look throw the window at the village. How much is Akria going to sacrifice for the safety of the village.

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