The first location

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Shikaku pov
I look the map trying to find a way through the enemy but were outnumbered. "Did you have a plan Shikaku?" I look at Inoichi and Choza and sight, "How troublesome I can't come up with one, it's a drag." A jounin come up to me and he looks alarmed, "Captain there's a huge chakra signature coming from behind us." I stand and get in a fighting stance and everyone follows.

An anbu comes out and doesn't say anything just puts her bag down and walks towards the direction of the enemy. I lower my weapon as she stands next to me. "How many are there?" I figure the hokage sent her but one anbu how troublesome. "There's about 500 shinobi but were only have 300."

She starts walking forward but pauses, "You all stay here until I come back." I barely get a look at her eyes but one looks blue while the other looks yellow. This must be the head of anbu, I have only heard rumors about her lets see what she can do.

Choza was about to walk forward but I stop him. "Shikaku we can't let one anbu go by herself and she looks young." I sigh, "That's no ordinary anbu that's the head and I have heard she extremely powerful, plus she outrank us and we have to follow orders."

Akria POV
I get closer I see the enemy shinobi and they notice me and some laugh. "Haha you have to be kidding me the leaf send one anbu are the stupid." But one of the older shinobi shushed them, "This is no ordaniry shinobi can't you notice her chakra rising, this must be the Leafs anbu head black wolf don't underestimate her."

They all get serious, then they all charge at me letting out battle crys. I pull out my katanas and sprint to meet them head on. I block kunai and other weapons being thrown, I start swing at anything that moves. Body's fall to the floor I get punched in the stomach and slide backwards. I bend backwards making water shurkin go over my head.

I run at any shinobi and start kicking, punching, swing, I hear bones cracking, skin splitting open. I barely block a giant axe that was aimed at my head and I hear my katana crack. I infuse chakra into my leg kicking it into there ribs. I throw my katana through the head of a shinobi and make a blood katana throwing it at another shinobi. I make hand-signs as fast as I can, 10 clones pop out and yell "Wind-fire: rasangan!!"

Bloody screams can be heard as my clones vanish, I think theres only at least 150 shinobi left and the circle me. I unreal somemore of my chakra, by now I'm only using 45% of my true power. I'm not going to use my Sussano unless I really need it.

I bite my finger and summon my wolf pack that has a total of 20 wolf's more than average. They growl at the shinobi from stone an Kumo, I whistle and my wolf's attack at lighting speed. I perform more handsigns, "Lighting style: wave of lighting." A wave made of lighting shoots out and eletricuts a lot of shinobi. My wolf's poof away as I look at the remaining shinobi. Two make hand signs and they yell, "Windstyle: Great wind breakthrough, Firestyle: Great Fireball jutsu."

The wind makes the fireball grow twice as large. I close my eyes and spreading my breathing. They think they hit me and start cheering but how wrong they are. The fire starts circling me faster and faster and the watch wide-eyed as they see me standing there. I make point my arm towards them and the fire shoots back at high speed.

I feel a pain in my leg and see a stone shinobi jump out of the ground and stabs me with another kunai. I grunt in pain, and pull it out and hold my hand on my shoulder healing it quickly dodging a kick that was aimed at my face how mean.

Minne Timeskip

I was panting slightly that took long than expected, there was on ninja left and he looked terrified. "P-please don't kill me I have a family." I get down to his eye level, "Your village should have thought about that before you attacked my home." I cut his throat making his death painless and u pull out the locket and stare at it and sigh putting it back under my shirt.

Shikaku POV
I stared in awe as this one girl took out 500 shinobi! And I can tell she is still holding back, this is not her full power. She comes back with her hand on her stomach glowing red. No one say a word as she gets a bandage out of her bag and wraps her hands. She puts the rest in the bag and zips it up, then swing it over her shoulder. She looks at me, Inoichi, and Choza, "The Hokage wants you to continue and report on your progress as soon as you can, and please don't die." 

She turns to walk away back to the forest in a different direction, a medical shinobi steps forward. "Wait are you hurt I can heal you." I heard a sigh, "I'm alright conserve you chakra, so you have enough to heal you comrades when the time comes." Inoichi steps forward, "Were are you going, and can we know your name."

She stops walking and turns to us, "I have to go to the other battle fronts, and you will know my name in do time." Then in a flicker of black she disappears, everyone just stares were she once was and I sigh. Choza looks at me, "Do you have any idea who that was?" I look towards were the battle field, "That was more and likely Akria Yanka Hozuki last of both her clans." 

I start walking away just thinking about her I remember her when she was little walking around with the Hokage. And to have to come and fight in a war at her age, something must have happened for her to agree to come out here. I wounder if the village is safe with her gone, but she does have strong right hands she must have left them there to protect it. I ignore the body's and look at the star covered sky, the leaf is truly luck we have such a strong shinobi. 

But with her power no doubt she will make enemy's with Danzo and he will try and find a way to get rid of her. Maybe he had something to do with her being sent, he probably thinks she will get in his way of getting power in the village. And she is still very young and yet has so much responsibility. That girl is truly something special, I hope this war doesn't change her though.

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