The bridge, lost of a friend

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Akria POV
I rushing fast thought the trees to the bridge it had been 4 days sice I wrote a letter. This morning I received a letter from the old man saying he sent dad and his team to destroy a bridge.

Why did it have to be them and why did I have to be so far. I jump I through the trees as fast as I can. I'm supposed to provide a distraction with dad I hope I make it in time.

Minato POV
I was panting using me flying thunder god jutsu takes a lot out of me . There was a good 200 left and my chakra is starting get low. I fall to one knee as a storm of kunai and shurkin came at me.

I get ready for them to hit me but a figure appears with a katana deflecting all of them. I get a closer look and notice the mask and stare wide-eyed, "A-Akria?" She makes a clone and see looks at me, "Will talk later let me take care of this." She turns and starts walking to the group, I notice something of them shaking.

"T-that's Black wolf everyone retreat full back!!!" They all take off running and Akria puts her katana back and comes back to me. She closes her eyes and her head turns purple, I feel my chakra coming back.

She pulls me up, "Lets go make sure the others are fine." I smile but before we leave I give her a big hug. "I'm glad your okay kiddo." She hugs back, "I missed you to dad." We take off into the trees and I see Akria panic and speed up, "Hurry I feel Obitos chakra slipping!"

Just a little more we get close enough and we teleport right in front of kakashi. There were about 50 stone shinobi me and Akria make shadow clones. I yell "Rasangan!" while she yells, "Lighting rasangan!!"  A bright light covers the area, after that I grab Kakashi and Akria grabs Rins hand and we run to were my team camped at night.

Akria POV
I treat Kakashi wounds and clench my fist, if I had been faster I could have saved him! I stand up and walk to Run and she backs up A little still shaken.

I remove my mask and smile at her, "Its okay rectangles its just me." She looks at me with watery eyes, "A-Akria?" I smile the best I could, "Its the one and only." She takles me in a hug and starts crying, "O-obito he he." I rub her back in circles, "I know Rin its okay its not your fault."

Her crying goes to hiccups and I pull away from her. "Let me heal you okay." She doesn't say anything so I just put my hands over her and start healing her.

She stands up and walks out into the field and stares at the sky. I sigh and walk to dad and hug him and let out silent sobs. He rubs my back, "Akria you did everything you could." I wipe my tears, "I'm going to have to leave I need to make sure the land of fire is clear."

I give him a sad smile, "I'll be home in to days okay tell mom and the hokage, I'm going to say bye to Rin." I walk to next to her and with a soft voice, "I have to go Rin." She looks at me sadly, "W-what you can go the war is ending tomorrow."

I sigh, "My jobs still not done but can you do something for me." She nods her head with determination, "I need you to be strong for both you and Kakashi." She wavers a little but smiles, "Ill do my best Akria just be careful and come home." I nod my head and walk away, I stop and look back at them and start crying a little and disappear into the woods. Why did I have to fail again, I feel rage in me but I can't let it control me.

I rush to clear out the remaining ninja, I'm tired of this war I just want to go home.

(Sorry for a short chapter but I couldn't think of anything else to write. Ill up date soon let me know what you think.)

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