Death of another friend

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Third POV
It was now December 13 and a regular day for the village. Akria had been taking mission after mission keeping herself busy. She has been avoiding Kakashi and he knows it.

He feels bad for what he said about her but he feels hurt. But pushing his feelings and watching Rin from the shadows. He was walking by the gates when he smelt Rins sent leading out mix with others he's never smelt before.

Going wide-eyed he turns to find the clothes person which happened to be Kurenai. "Kurenai go tell the hokage Rin was kidnapped!!"

Without giving her a chance to respond he takes of as fast as he can. He pushed chakra into his legs, he was going to keep his promise even if it killed him. Back at in kohna Kurenai ran her fastest to the hokages office. As luck would have it Akria had just return from a recon mission.

Kurenai opens the door wide open tears coming out of her eyes. "Hokage-sama Rins been kiddnaped and Kakashi ran after her!!" Without another word Akria takes of her weights letting them land with a thud.

"Kurenai which direction did he go in?" She looks at Akria with hope, Akria was strong and fast no doubt she would bring her friends back.

"He went north please Akria bring them home." She nods in acknowledgement and jumps out the window without another word determined to keep her promise and get them home.

Akria POV
I was running through the thick mist, no doubt Rin was taken by the mist anbu. As I got closer I felt chakra behind me and narrowly dodge a punch.

"Its the leafs Black wolf kill her!" Kunai come from every direction, I came back from recon not to long ago my chakra was at least half.

I make clones to distract them and once I stop at the edge of the forest I freeze. Kakashi had his Chidoi going right through Rins heart. He lets out a bloody scream and passes out, a figure jumps out at the mist anbu killing them fast.

He kills the last one and makes his way to Kakashi's body. I snap out of it and through a special kunai and flash in front of Kakashi and Rin. The figure fills away and laughs crazy, "Of course your here Akria." I look closer and my eyes go wide, "O-obito your alive?"

He chuckles, "This is great now I can kill you too." He comes at me and I throw a shurkin it goes right through him. I get hit in the jaw and sent flying into the ground then I feel a pain in my stomach.

I get hit again but I block it with my arms and hear a sickening crack. I slide right were I started and I hear a voice. "You can do it Akria I will lend you my strength." I mentally thanks the sage and feels a power unlike any I have felt before.

I stand up and release the rest of my chakra and activate a full body Sussano. I punch him and he goes flying back into a big boulder and breaking it.

He gets up and wipes blood of his mouth, before he comes at me again a plant thing comes out of the ground. "He wants you back, says your to weak to beat her." Obito growls but nods then looks at me with a glare, "If you tell anyone I'm alive I will kill everyone in the leaf."

He disappears and I fall to my knees and cough out blood. I stand up shakeliy and ignore the pain shooting through my hold body. I put my mask right on my face half of it missing and pick Rin up bridle style her blood mixing with mine.

I throw Kakashi onto my back which is hard since he's taller than me. I push whatever chakra I have left to my legs and began going home. I have to keep my promise and get them home.


I collapse again my muscles screaming at me to stop. But I can't I have to get home. I get up and began to walk again, must get home then I can rest.

Third POV
All of there friends had spend a night at the gate. Kurenai was disappointed she wanted to go after her friends, but the fourth had said its to dangerous.

But when Akria said she was going he didn't even agure with her. She was sitting there staring at the gate, then they started to move open. She jumped to her feet, "Guys look its opening." Everyone followed her example and go to there feet fast.

A crowed had gathered with the fourth and third hokage in front alone with the friends of the three. Akria final came into view and they saw who she was carrying and started to cheer. Thinking she has succeeded and made it to them in time but as soon as she entered the gate and was closer now there were many gasp.

Akria was covered in blood, kunai could be seen sticking out of her legs. Half her mask completely gone, letting you see her pal hunted eye. A big bruise evident in her cheek. She ignores the 4th and looks at th 3rd.

"Mission rescue; fail leaf death Rin Norha, total casualty 59 an unknown person came and wiped out the mist anbu." She lays Rin on the ground and set Kakashi next to her. "The unknown came at Kakashi Hatake as well but I interfered and battle." She pulls the kunai out of her legs and snaps her bone back into place. Everyone watching in horror including Chiho, and Akrame they have never seen Akria so beat up before.

"We were evenly matched until I released all my chakra and he fled." Kurenai stares in horror as Rin layed there dead, she's not going to see her again. With teary eyes she looks at Akria who looks at her with hollow eyes, "You said you'll bring them back alive!!"

With out another word Akria collapsed on the ground. Minato runs next to Kakashi and checks his puls and breaths out in relief. Chiho and Akrame grab Akria gentle careful with her injury. Chiho looks panic, "Hurry Akrame her chakra is really low." Not stopping for anyone they push throw the crowd. Kakashi was beganing to wake up and he set up rubbing his eye.

He looks at Minato in the eyes, "Minato-sensei how did I get here?" He looks sad, "Akria brought you back and Rins body." Kakashi was about to get up but he falls back down. Minato picks him up, "Let me take you to the hospital."

He takes off to the hospital will anbu pick up the body of Rin. It was a very gloomy day in the leaf.

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