Turning a leaf

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Akria POV
I was in my mindscape it was a grassland with a lake and cave. Super geezer sage was watching me train and helping me control my chakra to new levels. I stand there looking at the sky wondering what's going on and what to do about my feelings.

"You know you can wake yourself up now right. And since you are wondering what to do for your boy problem. Maybe go to the one who is always there when u need it." I sigh and look at sage, "Maybe your right, and I'm not going to mop around and wait for Kakashi." I look at my hands, "Ill go with the guy who's been there and doesn't think I'm annoying."

I wave by to sage and open my eyes, looking around I notice a head of black in a anbu uniform. I nuge him lightly, "Shizuka wake up." He shoots up and looks at me with wide eyes. "Akria your awake." I laugh, "Yes I am awake how long was I out." He counts his fingers, "About a two week in a half, and you may punch me for what I'm about to do next."

Before I can question him, he crashes hid lips into mine. Before I can react he pulls away and closes his eyes. After about a minute he opens one of them, "Aren't you going to hit me."

I shake my head, "No I think ill do this instead." I grab the front of his uniform and pull him down this time crashing my lips into his. He stands there frozen then his lips move in sync with mine. We pull apart and he gives me a goofy grin, "Does that mean we are together?" I nod and hold my hands over my legs, "Yes it does Shizuka." He jumps up, "Yosh I am the luckiest person alive." Then he jumps on me making us fall on the ground.

I end up on top of him and giggle, "Calm down okay." He gives me the famous Uchiha smirk, "Ill only calm down with a kiss." I roll my eyes but smile biting his lip at first, then kissing him softly.

I jump up and pull him up with me, I push him to the door. "Now leave ok ill see you later." He opens the door but looks at me, "Is it fine if run down the hospital yelling your my girlfriend." I wave my hand around, "Sure knock yourself out." He closes the door and not even 3 secounds later I hear, "Ya she's my girlfriend!!"

I shake my head and go to the bathroom to change. I come out and start fixing the bed when the door opens. Standing there was, Shi, squirt, Uncle, Aunty, mom, papa, Akrame and Chiho. They look down the hall again then back at me, dad looks at me. "Hey kiddo why was that boy running down yelling she's my girlfriend."

I scratch my cheek, "Well um you see he's sorta my boyfriend." As soon as I said boyfriend dark auras surround dad, Uncle, Shi and squirt. They all look at each other and nod then my dad gives me a sickly sweet smile, "Were going to go have a 'chat' with him." They run down the hall leaving the girls with me the Akrame looks at me.

"You know you just signed his death sentence." I shrug my shoulders, "I'm sure they won't kill him, anyway why you guys here?" Chiho hands me my mask and I look at it and snap it back in half. There jaws drop but I put my hands up making them stay silent. I go in my pouch and pull out an old scroll.

Putting my hands in a tiger sign, in a poof of smoke it shows a white version of my mask. I snap that in half too and hold one of each together, then pushing my chakra into both sets.

Everyone was watching in silents, it finishes and now its a black and white wolf mask. I put it on and look at them, "So what do you guys think." Akrame smirks, "I have to admit it looks more bad ass." I take it off and look at it, "Now I am truly one of a kind."

Kushina POV
I can't wait to tell Akria she's going to be a big sister. "Hey Akria me and Mikoto have something to tell you." She looks at you both with narrow eyes then they widen and she jumps.

Pointing at us, "Oh may gosh your both pregnant but Aunt Mikoto is going to have here's sooner." Mine and Mikoto's jaws drop, "How did you know?" She laugh, "Aunt Mikoto I'm a medical ninja ya'know." She slaps her hand on her mouth and I gasp.

"You got my tick ya'know." She starts backing up, "I don't know what your talking about ya'know." I run at her and squished her to death, "Your more like me everyday ya'know."

A poof of smoke and I'm hugging a log,  I look around the room to find Akria going throw the window. "Get back her young lady!!" She slips and falls I hear her scream, "Look out!"

Kakashi POV
I'm in anbu now maybe I can spend more time with Akria. As I walk by the hospital I hear noise coming from a roo but ignore it. Then I here a "Look out!" I look up just in time for someone to land on me.

I go wide eyed it was Akria and or lips were lock. She squeaks and jumps up wiping of her tongue then a black blur picks her up. "Are you okay Akria." She laughs,"Yes I'm fine Shizuka, I'm kinda surprise your alive what they do to you."

I see him shiver and pale, "Its to painful to talk about." She rolls her eyes and looks at me without an emotion. "I apologize Hatake I was escaping my mom ya'know." This time a red blur grabs her, "You said it again ya'know, Minato she's got my tick."

Minato appears with Fugaku Uchiha and two younger Uchiha. "Of course she did, shes like a younger version of you." Akria shakes her head, "Thats a lie ya'know." I stiffen a laugh and she glares at me than her eyes widen.

"Your anbu scarecrow!!" I nod my head, "Yes Minato-sensei made me one." She sighs, and turns to walk away, "You four follow me, I need to let everyone know I'm back." We all teleport away I appear in a crowd with that Shizuke guy looks like its all the new recruits hope it goes well.

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