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Akria POV
I think we have everything ready here at the pond. We have a table full of snacks and the fire is lit and burning good. "Sorry if were late had to make sure we had everyone." I turn an look at all the genin never seen most of them. Chiho tells everyone were the snacks are and I smile at everyone laughing. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn and see Anko and Kurenai they smile at me. "Hey Akria we just want to introduce to some people."  I nod my head telling them to continue. "This is Asuma and Ibiki, guys this is Akria she's our best friend." I smile and throw my arms around them and they smile back. Then Asuma ask, "Is it true you fought Kakashi's team an won." I laugh, "Ya me and two cousins kicked there ass."

"Well squirt it looks like you haven't changed." I hear a scoff, "Of course she hasn't she's like me and Kushina." I turn to the voices and see Granny Tsunade and Pervy-sage I give a goofy grin. "Hey its Granny Tsunade and Pervy-sage what are you doing here."

I get hit in the head and they both yell, "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT!!!" I hold my head and anime cry when I hear a gasp. I look to see rectangles with her mother open pointing at Pervy-sage and Granny. "Your Lady Tsunade and Master Jiraiya." I mumble, "Lady and Master my butt." I get hit into a tree breaking it I groan as I get up.

"Show us some respect brat." I dust myself off and walk to her and hug her, "I missed you to Granny." She messes with my hair while Pervy-sage pouts, "What about me?" I walk up to him and huge him and he gladly returns it. I fell like introducing rectangles to Granny I point to her. "Hey granny met rectangles she wants to be a medic she is one Minato-sensei genin."

Rectangles bows to her, "Its an honor to met you." I pat rectangles back, "There's no need to bow its just granny." I was about to get hit again when I hear Kushina, "Akria I thought you would have ramen." I take that as my chance to leave and go to Kushina. I smile at her and pull the table cloth up to show ramen, "I wanted to make sure it was just for you Kushina."

Her eyes sparkle at the amount of ramen and she starts wolfing it down. I shake my head at her I walk to Minato-sensei and get a serious face. "The old man told you about the war right." He sighs, "Yes he had, were even having a special Chunin exams just for it."

I look at everyone, "You know I may not see you guys for a while because of it." He puts a hand on my shoulder, "I know just try and visit every once in a while other wise Kushina is going to lose her mind." Chiho jumps in front of me, "Lets sing them the song now Akria!!" I laugh, "All right go get Akrame." I sit on a log and everyone gathers around and I clear my mind.

Kakashi POV
Something about Akria draws me in that's the only reason I came. Everyone starts to come around the three and they pull out scrolls. They make a hand sign and when the smoke clears Akria and Akrame were holding a guitar and Chiho was holding a tambourine.

Chiho smiles cheekily, "I wanted to sing you guys a song and am forcing the others to do this, I hope you enjoy."

Ak= Akria
C = Chiho
AkC= Akria and Chiho
E = Everyone
(I don't own this song it is own by Disney.)

Akria and Akrame starts playing while Akria closes her eyes but smiles.

Ak- So lets sing Na, na na na na, hey ya

Ak- Come on and sing Na, na na na na, hey ya

AkC- This is our song that's all that matters, Cause we all belong right here together, There's nothing better than singing along, this is our summer

Ak- This is our song

Ak-Come grab your guitar

AkC- Sit by the fire, Cause we all need a song when we're weary and tired

AkC- Will sit here together

Ak- And sing it out loud (C- And sing it out loud )

E- This is our song that's all that matters, Cause we all belong right here together, there's nothing better than singing along, This is our summer This is our song x4

Ak- Come on and sing Na, na na na na hey ya x2

AkC- And come on and sing Na, na na na na hey, ya x2

Ak- Yeah

E- This is our song that's all that matters, We all belong right here together, There's nothing better than singing along, This is our summer ( our summer) This is our song ( This is our song) x3

Ak- this is our song

The song finishes and we all start clapping. I have to admit she is a good singer, my be I can walk her home after.


Everyone had left and Akria was just putting out the fire. I walk up to her with my hands in my pockets she looks at me confused. "Eh scarecrow what are you doing here still." I shrug my shoulders, "I figured I should walk you home." She just nods her head and we start walking.

Its quite at first but then she grabs my hand I can't help but blush. "I want to show you something." I just nod my head not trusting my voice. We teleport and end up on Hokage mountain. I stare at the village in awe it looks nice up here. She sits on the edge and I sit next to her.

"Minato-sensei tells me you like following the rules." I nod my head, "They are rules for a reason." She sighs, "I knew your father Kakashi." I stiffen and look at her and notice the sun starts to rise. "He was a kind man and I respect him greatly, he talk about you a lot." I just sit there not saying anything. "If I had known what he was going through I would have helped." She smiles, "He always said to me keep to your beliefs no matter what stay true to yourself."

She grabs my shoulder and we end up in the street again. She walks into a apartment building but stops at the door frame. "Thanks for walking me scarecrow see you around." I turn and walk away just thinking about what she said. Maybe all the rules aren't meant to be followed.

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