Chapter 31: Unbroken - Part 3

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Chapter 31: Unbroken - Part 3

Justin's P.O.V

Where did YN go? I rubbed the back of my head confused by what I was seeing, "hey bro," Fredo said walking in the room, "you ok, you look like you just saw a ghost?" He said worriedly,

"Uh, F-Fredo YN isn't here,"

"What, she's right on the bed Justin!" Fredo said coming over to the bed and taking of the blanket, he looked around the room with the same confused expression I had,

"Maybe there was a room change, I'll go ask Dr Robertson," Fredo said walking out the room again. Where else could YN go? She can't walk by herself because she's lifeless. Hearing myself say that still hurts me...

"...Yeah, and we came in and she wasn't in here Doc," Fredo was explaining to Dr Robertson,

"Well maybe the nurses did make a room change, but I should have been the first one to know about this!" Dr Robertson said turning the pages on his clipboard, "I'll go check for you," he said,

"Fredo what happens if she walked out herself?" I said,

"W-what?!" Fredo looked at me as if I was crazy, "Justin I told you man, you need to accept she's gone. She jumped a 10 storey building, how would she have survived that?"

"I-I dunno, but it could be possible!" I exclaimed, Fredo shook his head,

"Gents follow me, I think I know the room change," Dr Robertson said, we followed him up two floors and got into a room, I looked over the bed to see if it was YN, but I immediately knew it wasn't,

"This is Miss YLN?" Dr Robertson asked, I shook my head wide eyed,

"N-No!?" I said, Dr Robertson scratched his head and furrowed his eyes,

"I'm sorry, but if this isn't your patient then I don't know where she is," he said,

"W-what do you mean you don't know where she is. She was in this hospital less than three days ago, you even told me yourself she died! Where else could she be?!" I shouted feeling anxious,

"I'm sorry Mr Bieber," he said walking to the door, "we will inform you if we find any details of where she is," Dr Robertson said leaving. It was getting late so Fredo and I decided to go back to my place. How can a hospital lose a patient? A random person could have just come to her room and kidnapped YN without anyone even seeing? All these theories were making me more paranoid and worried.

"Dude I'm sure the hospital must have had a misplacing, she's defiantly there," Fredo said as I was opening the door,

"How can they have a misplacing, it's a dead body Fredo! How the hell can they misplace an actual dead body?!" I said, he shrugged,

"Did you guys see YN?!" Marisa - YN mom asked hurriedly, you could tell she was crying all day because she had tired, red under eyes,

"Uh, not exactly," Fredo said, Marisa looked at us confused, "s-she wasn't at the hospital..." Fredo admitted and Marisa furrowed her tired eyes,

"W-what do you mean she wasn't at the hospital, she's leaving tomorrow with us to Canada!"

"I know, I know. We went to say our good byes in her room but she's wasn't there. We asked a doctor where she could be and he showed us to another room, but she was still not there! They said they don't know where her body is and they're going to tell us if they find any details about the issue," I explained,

"They lost my baby's body!" Marisa shouted, Chris - YN's dad came in the room wondering why there was shouting,

"What's with all the racket!"

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