Chapter 24: Roller-coaster

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Chapter 24: Roller-coaster

YN's P.O.V

As I got into the house still ignoring Justin, I went straight up to the room and got into the shower. I didn't want to talk to Justin and I knew he'd obviously try and find me in the house so we could talk. As I was showering I heard the room door open and then close, followed by a series of slow footsteps - it was Justin.

When I was done showering I dried myself and my hair with a towel wrapping it around my body, I opened the door and not to my surprise I saw Justin leaning on the door frame like he was waiting for me to come out. I looked at him rolling my eyes and walked into the walk-in closet so I could change into a pair of pyjama shorts and a tank top, I finished changing and opened the door once again to see Justin standing there like he wanted to say something. I just walked away,

"Why are you ignoring me?" He said as my back was turned away from him, I stopped when he said that and turned to him. I just shrugged and looked down, "I didn't mean to shout at you in the car, please just don't give me the silent treatment," he said waking to me and embracing me into his arms, I didn't move and I didn't hug back,

"Baby??" He whispered to me, I said nothing, "YN??" He whispered again, "B-bab-"

"I'm not ignoring you!" I said, he really wasn't going to stop trying to get my attention, so I gave in,

"Then why are you still upset?" He asked,

"Who ever said I was..." I said, he looked at me furrowing and I just went out of the room. Okay yes I am upset! Justin is like a Roller-coaster, one time he's happy and caring then the next his upset and stern for no god damn reason. I went downstairs and heard the phone ringing, I picked it up:

"Hello?" I said sounding low,

"YN! Bruno here baby girl!"

"Oh hey, sorry just a bit...down"

"Awh, you were so happy when I saw you, what changed?"

I didn't really want to tell him my problems with Justin, I hesitated for while,


"Oh sorry! It's nothing big, why did you call!" I said trying to change the topic,

"Well I actually have something that might cheer you up! How would you like it to come to my party. I wanna celebrate my new album,"

"A party? Sure, wow that'll be cool! It's just I've never gone to such big parties with famous people!"

"Psh, YN you are a famous person, you'll fit right in! Plus Justin can come if he wants. It'll be at mine around 7:00,"

"Um, ok-"

"Bye!!" Bruno said quickly ending the call before I could say anything,

"Guess that's a bye," I said to myself, I put the phone down,

"Who was that?" I heard Justin behind,

"Oh just Bruno!" I said smiling, Justin looked at me then rolled his eyes. What's up with him now!

"Oh him..." Justin said looking down seeming annoyed,

"What's up with you and Bruno?"

"Nothing," he plainly said,

"Then why are you all of a sudden-"

"IT DOENST MATTER OK...just drop it!" He shouted, I looked at him for a while then looked away, "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

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