Chapter 31: Unbroken - Part 4

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Chapter 31: Unbroken - Part 4

Justin's P.O.V

"Y-Y-YN??" I stuttered, lost for words,

I shakily stood up covering my mouth. I widened my eyes, shocked by who I was seeing. This didn't feel like real life, it felt like a dazing dream. YN took five more steps and the crowd gasped in disbelief, I couldn't handle the tension so I bent down to my knees feeling tears run down my cheeks. Oprah stood up obviously as shocked as anyone, she stepped back as if she was afraid.

"W-what's going on?" Oprah stuttered, I couldn't speak through my shock, YN began walking towards the stage, Oprah began walking backwards, "s-stay away, you're not real! SECURITY!" She shouted, guards appeared,

"NO! Please wait..." YN shouted, I looked up with the sound of her was YN and I could instantly tell. "I-I'm YN YLN and I attempted suicide 4 days ago," she admitted,

"Attempted?" Oprah said,

"I made myself fall of a building and I was knocked unconscious. I-I don't know how but while I was in hospital, I woke up!" She said shaking her head, I could tell she was finding the situation surreal,

"That's impossible! You jumped off a building and even doctors confirmed you died," Oprah said,

"I know. I must have lost my heart rate and regained it while I was in hospital. What I know is that I woke up in the middle of the night and found myself in a hospital bed. I thought that was it. I thought I actually died but I obviously didn't. I knew if I stayed at the hospital, I'd be taken to a mental hospital and I didn't want that! I just wanted to die..." She said wiping a tear from her eyes, "that's when I decided I'd runaway to a place no one would find me and try to help me! I'm not crazy, I'm just talking truth when I say I deserve to die." She weeped, I felt my heart collapse when I heard those very words...she still thinks she deserves to die.

"W-why would you say that?" I said raspy,

"I said it before..." She mumbled," Because I am worthless Justin! People think I'm a crazy bitch or I'm just attention seeking. I-I chose to end my life for a reason and no one can change my mind!" She shouted,

"So you'd try and kill yourself again?" I asked, she looked at me trembling and nodded. I felt my body weaken by her answer, I gulped. I came up to her and laid my hands on her waist. This electric feeling zapped through my body, I was dying to feel her body once again. "I'm not going to let that happen," I said, she furrowed her eyes,


"I'm not letting you kill yourself just because you don't see what I see. I'm going to make you realise how precious and beautiful you are, because at the moment you're just being blinded by silly imperfections, that no one even notices. I-I can't lose you again baby, I'm not letting that happen," I said pulling her into my chest and kissing her lips.

"Uh, I-I think that's all for now guys. See you next week," Oprah said interrupting us, the show ended. Oprah quickly came up to YN and held her arm,

"What're you doing?" YN said confused,

"It is you!" Oprah said widening her eyes, YN weakly smiled, "I'm happy we still have you YN, it's an honest miracle," Oprah hugged her gently before walking away.

YN and I walked backstage to my dressing room. I closed the door and faced YN who was playing with her hands, "I guess you missed me," she said ending the silence. I shook my head smiling and picked her up, she squealed and I placed her back onto the ground,

"You know I missed you. I couldn't live without you by my side," I said holding her waist, "where did you run away to," I asked, she looked down,

"I moved around and stayed in different spots. The beach, broken down buildings...anywhere that seemed like shelter," she answered, "I didn't know what I should do. I wanted to end myself, but for some reason...I couldn't. I thought of you too much and I found out you were performing at Oprah's, so I took the chance to see you again," she said,

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