Chapter 48: Commitment

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Chapter 48: Commitment

YN's P.O.V

I opened my eyes as I looked over to the alarm clock which was on my bed side table, it read 8:35. I closed my eyes once again and breathed out, I was hoping to fall back to sleep but my mind wouldn't let me...I was too excited for the day ahead of me. I decided to look on my phone and text Reesha and Kelsey since I haven't talked to them for ages. I felt my leg being kicked and I looked over to Justin who had his eyes shut but a sly smirk on his face. I put my phone down on the bedside table and wrapped my arm round Justin, his eyes opened slightly but they were still squinting as he was just adjusting to the morning, bright light.

His face all of a sudden became my main interest as I stared at him smiling admirably, "morning princess..." He said huskily,

"Good morning Jay," I said below a whisper, I brushed my hand through his soft hair, why does he have to look so damn angelic!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He said finally getting suspicious,

"You impress me Justin," I said

"Impress you?"

"Yeah, your cheesy smile, your little dimple that pops out sometimes when you laugh so hard, your soft hair, your chestnut eyes..." I said kissing his jawline.

"Yes continue, go on..." He said cockily, I narrowed my eyes and hit his chest jokingly.

"Not to forget your over confidence and cockiness," I said rolling my eyes, he laughed. "See, you never fail to impress me," I said feeling my cheeks flush.

"You never fail to impress me either, although you can be a pain in the ass," he said,

"JUSTIN!" I gasped,

"But I like it when you get mad, it shows that you care," he shrugged,

"You like it when I'm mad?" I repeated,

"If you weren't mad at the stupid things I do then it shows you don't care," he explained, he did have a point. If I didn't give a damn I'd probably let him do whatever shit.

"I was hoping to get a tattoo since we're in Paris," I said, Justin looked at me oddly, "what?"

"You're terrified of getting tattoos, what changed your mind?"

"Well I got one done ages ago and that hurt like bitch but after the pain I really liked it, and the tattoo I'm hoping to get is really special to me...I've thought about it for a very long time and I've decided," I said,

"I know a great tattoo artist, we can go there today," Justin suggested, I nodded my head. I straddled Justin as my hands were placed on his abs, I was admiring his cross tattoo before my eyes trailed to all his other tattoos on his arm.

"Did they hurt?" I asked him, he shrugged,

"Some more than others, but you have to deal with the rain to get the rainbow," he said smirking,

"Not the time for you cliche sayings Jay," I giggled, I leaned myself so my hands would go to the back of his neck, my lips kissed his and I kept going back because I'm such a tease. He has to beg for it.

"Fucking tease," I heard him mumble irritably, I bit his lip so he'd stop kissing me for a moment. His hands trailed down to my ass and I felt him squeeze. I gulped in surprise.

"Justin!" I gasped,

"Next time don't leave me hanging," he chuckled, he smashed his lips on mine, the kiss was vigorous yet passionate, I wanted to give him my all. His hands found their way under my tank top and he slid it off me, and since I was in my pyjamas it left my upper half bare. Justin's eyes darkened and he pushed me onto the bed as he hovered over me, his lips attacked my neck and he began sucking there deeply, his lips were about to move down before his phone began ringing.

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