Chapter 40: Affection - Part 1

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Chapter 40: Affection - Part 1

YN's P.O.V

"Uh, yeah I'm YN," I said still wondering why there was a random girl called Tia on the door step,

"I'm so excited to join you on your holiday!" She squealed quickly hugging me, I didn't expect the embrace. "Oh my god! Where's Justin and the others?!" She said loudly, she let herself in and started looking around the foyer. This girl is way too loud and hyped up.

"Wait, did you say you're joining our holiday?" She nodded her head eagerly smiling,

"It's going to be so much fun, we're going to go swimming, shopping!" She said and then gasped widening her eyes as if she got an idea, "we could even go hiking at the mountains! Eeek!" She squealed jumping up and down excitedly.

"I can hear someone squealing, that must mean it's one person," Justin said as he came in, "Tia!" He said hugging her, she giggled.

"Long time, no see JB, how's it been?" She said smiling,

"All is good, just so happy you could make it," Justin said grinning,

"Oh so you invited Tia here, how nice," I said fake smiling.

"Yeah, I thought why not considering she's one of my close friends," Justin said smirking at Tia, they both laughed and I decided to join in even though I didn't find any humour in the situation.

"Hey Justin can I talk to you outside, Tia if you want to meet the others they're in the kitchen," I directed, Tia's eyes beamed and she quickly dotted off to the kitchen. Justin and I walked to the pool where there wasn't any people and the surroundings were quiet.

"So nice to know you invited a random friend of yours to our private holiday," I said sarcastically,

"Like how you invited Troy without telling us," he said,

"I never invited him, he just came as a surprise Justin," I defended,

"So, I asked Tia if she wanted to come and she said yes, why're you so pissed about her joining anyway?" He asked crossing his arms,

"I'm not!" I shouted,

"You kinda are or else there's no point of us arguing about her visit," he said,

"I'm just disappointed we're not spending this holiday by ourselves. It was first just supposed be us two but then the crew surprised us, which I didn't mind because I know them and they're our close friends, then Troy joined, which I didn't think would be a big issue because you know Troy very well, but now you bring your random friend that no one here even knows about, you might as well allow any random stranger to join our holiday," I said,

"Don't talk shit about Tia, she's my friend and that's all that matters," he said walking away. At this point I didn't know how I feel. I was pissed that Justin is taking more consideration on a girl that he barley talks to often, than listening to me his own girlfriend...I mean ex-girlfriend....urgh! At this moment I have no clue what we are considered but maybe I'm just becoming jealous. Just because Justin is paying more attention on another girl, I guess I'm making Tia seem like a bad person. I don't really have any right to stop Justin from concentrating on Tia because we broke up, he can talk to any girl but I still feel it's wrong, I still want him to be mine. My mixed feelings are really confusing me!

"You're right, she is your friend and I have no right to stop you, I'm sorry," I said looking down, he stopped and looked at me a bit puzzled,

"I'm right??" He questioned, making me laugh, Justin looked shocked that I was actaully agreeing with him,

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