Next Level(Tsunashi Ryunosuke x Reader)

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Okay this is requested by Mashiro116 hope you enjoy reading this Mashiro-chan ;D

Tsunashi Ryunosuke is your childhood friend ever since then you felt lonely,him being an idol.There were many girls fawning over her and you were like a sister to him.You sighed and you felt your phone vibrate and saw a message.

From: Ryu
"Hey (Your Name) are you free this weekend ? There is something I'd like to talk about you"

You were nervous what he will say,and thought if he's gonna talk about something important or not.

To: Ryu
"Yeah I am free this weekend,did something happen?"

Your hands were getting cold getting anxious what he will say,and you don't know if it's the right time to confess how you felt to him since childhood.

"Let's talk about it on saturday 11:30 ,okay ?  😊"
Your alarm went crazy that morning "Just..let me sleep for five minutes" drifting off to sleep.As you woke up again you noticed that it's already 11:00 in the morning,you jumped out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom."OH GOD I OVERSLEPT" you panicked while picking some casual clothing.

You rushed on your way to your meeting place with the smexy tall boy.

"Did you wait long" panthing and your hands were on your knees."Nope I just got here (Your Name)" he smiled "Your sweaty,here" he wipes off your sweat on your face with his handkerchief,and you realized how close he was getting to your face.Your face turns red "I-I can do it by myself you know" and his face turns shades of red and hands his handerchief to you "S-sorry" he stuttered "I-It's fine" you reassured.

You both were on your way to (Favorite Cafe) since he know you well.As you both got there the place were quite empty,only few people were in there.

"What are you gonna talk about ?" You asked and sat on the coffee table,he looks at you with serious eyes "Let's take an order first" he smiled,you smacked him "Owww (Your Name)" he rubs his head "I thought you're gonna say it" you read the menu and ordered (Favorite Drink) and he ordered the same he raised his hand to get the order.

"May I help you sir?" Asked the waiter/waitress "I'd like to get a two (Favorite Drink) please" he smiled and the waiter/waitress took your order.

"Going back to the topic what is it that you are going to talk about" you asked,"(Your Name)...I'd like to stop being friends with you.." you were shocked at his words,before you knew it you eyes were shedding tears."N-no don't cry (Your Name) you got the wrong idea,I'd like you to stop being friends with me to take it to the next level" he caresses your face,wiping your tears with his thumb "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and you nodded,eyes getting teary "Say that first you idiot" you smacked his hand gently and interwines with it.

"I-I was gonna say that first" you sniffed all the goo on your nose,he sweatdrop "Heres some tissue (Your Name) and you blew it on a tissue.

He chuckled"I love you (Your name) from the start,"I love you too Ryu" you smiled.


*whispers* follow me fam.


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