Chapter 3

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Romans Reigns


6:00 PM

DA: Ready for dinner?

RR: You'll have to wait... I'm waiting outside the building.

RR: Randy's coming out soon.

DA: You're waiting to see the enemy?!

RR: I like Randy, Dean. Just accept it.

DA: As long as you don't cheer for him in the main event.

RR: OF COURSE I'm cheering for him!


DA: Well, I'm rooting for Seth. And he's gonna win.

DA: :)

RR: You wish.

RR: Did you get to see him?

DA: Yes!

DA: He was so nice!!!

RR: That's good. He sign your hat?

RR: Oops, gotta go. He's coming out.

DA: Awww okay.

DA: Meet me at the pizza place right down the street, okay?

RR: Kay.

Dean pulled his shoes on and left the room, walking down the hallway slowly. Roman was obsessed with Randy Orton. Though, he couldn't exactly plead innocent himself.

When he got to the lobby, his eyes widened as he saw who was standing there. "Seth?"

The man turned at the sound of his voice. "Hey, Dean." He said, smiling. "Sorry I didn't respond, my boss needed to talk to me."

"I was worried I was texting you too much." Dean mumbled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Of course not. Trust me, I've had way worse. You're actually doing pretty well."

Dean looked up, his eyes shining. Did Seth Rollins just compliment him? "T-Thanks."

Seth grinned. "Of course. Listen, I have to go, I'm heading out to dinner with some friends. Well, no, I take that back. We're eating in. With Wrestlemania on Sunday, this city's crawling with fans. We figured we'd get some peace and quiet if we stayed in our rooms. Point is, I have to go meet them."

"Oh." Dean nodded. He didn't know why; but he found himself wishing Seth had more time. "No, I totally get it. was really awesome to get to see you again."

Seth rested his hand on Dean's shoulder. "It was good to see you too, Dean." He stared at him for a moment, then simply smiled and walked away.

Dean watched him leave, his eyes wide. Then he turned and left the lobby, walking down the street and smiling to himself.

He reached the pizza place nearly fifteen minutes later, with Roman nowhere in sight. He wasn't surprised. Roman would willing stand outside in a crowd all day if it meant being close to Randy Orton. He smiled at the thought and got a table.

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