Chapter 61

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They got to the arena at half past seven; the line to get in was long and Dean was freezing even with his coat. He stood there shivering.

"You okay?" Roman asked, looking over at him.

He nodded, shaking. "I can see my breath." He said indignantly.

Roman just laughed, wrapping his arm around him to keep him warm. Dean smiled gratefully.

When they finally got inside, he looked around happily. "I feel like we were just here." He said.

Roman nodded in agreement.

Dean looked down at the tickets in his friend's hand. "Where are our seats?"

Roman showed him. "Section 108, Row A."

Dean stopped dead in his tracks. "You're joking, right?" When Roman shook his head, he grabbed the tickets out of his hand.

"Ro! These are front row tickets! Why the hell would you buy these?"

Roman sighed. "You don't get the opportunity to go backstage this time, so... I just thought you'd like to see the show up close."

"Of course I would, but... aren't you saving up for college?"

"Well, yeah..."

Dean's eyes widened. "You took this money out of your college fund?" He demanded.

"Dean, it really didn't cost that much, alright?"

"But this is three times now, Ro. And one of them was for WrestleMania. I'm not a charity case."

Roman frowned, looking Dean in the eye. "No, you're not. You're my best friend, and I have the opportunity to make you happy. That's what this is, alright?"

Dean hesitated, then slowly nodded.

"Good." Roman smiled. "Let's go find our seats."

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