Chapter 116

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When they got to the entrance, a suspicious looking security guard raised an eyebrow.

Roman rubbed the back of his head. "We, uh, we need to get inside."

The guard chuckled. "Guys, the arena doesn't open until seven."

Dean gulped. "We know." Roman continued. "Um, but one of the superstars asked us to... well-"

The guard sighed, stepping forward. "Look, I'm going to have to ask you gentlemen to leave-"

"Whoa, okay. Charlie, they're with me." A new voice spoke.

Looking up, Dean saw Seth emerging from the door behind the guard. He was grinning.

The guard looked at him. "You know these guys?"

Seth nodded. "Yeah, sorry... I asked them to meet me here early, but I probably should've told security." He chuckled. "C'mon, guys."

Charlie stepped by to let them pass, and Dean and Roman followed Seth into the building.

Seth looked at them both. "Having some trouble?"

Roman muttered 'no', but Dean caught it, sharing a smile with Seth.

"Thanks for your help, Seth."

"No problem." He replied.

"So why did you ask me to come so early?" Dean asked curiously.

Seth hesitated. "I was wondering if we could talk alone?"

Roman shoved his hands into his pockets. "I see how it is." He muttered. "I'll just wander the hallways."

Seth grinned.

"Seriously, Roman?" Dean said, shoving him lightly.

"Well, it's true." Roman replied.

"Tell you what, Roman." Seth said. "Any superstar that's here tonight, provided they aren't busy, I can introduce you to."

Roman brightened considerably at this. "Dolph Ziggler?" he asked.

Seth nodded. "C'mon."

Roman was smiling now, following Seth as the superstar led both him and Dean through backstage.

When they got to the locker room, Seth gestured for them to wait. He disappeared inside, reappearing a minute later. "Okay. You can go in."

Roman looked at him unsurely. "He's in there?"

"Yeah. Just him, though. It's empty otherwise."

"Fine by me." Roman grabbed the door, then hesitated. "He... he knows I'm coming, right?"

Seth laughed. "Yes, Roman, he knows."

Roman nodded. "Okay. Good." With that, he pulled open the door and walked inside.

Dean was grinning. "That was nice of you."

Seth shrugged slightly. "It was nothing. Dolph always likes to meet fans, anyways."

"Still." Dean murmured.

Seth smiled a bit, starting to walk down the hall with him. "So..." he began.

Dean looked over at him. "So?" he repeated.

"How's your training coming?"

"Good." Dean said. "Really good, actually. Les says we're both making a lot of progress." He bit his lip. "Why?"

"Well... I figured I would talk to Hunter about getting you that opening."

Dean stopped, his eyes widening. "Wait, really?" he asked.

"Yeah. If you think you're ready, anyways."

"Um, definitely. I can't wait to tell Ro, he's gonna be so excited."

Seth smiled. "I'll give him a call and let you know, then."

Dean threw his arms around Seth, hugging him. "Thank you-" he breathed.

Seth chuckled, wrapping his arms around Dean. His hand came up, stroking Dean's hair. "I know you'll do great. I can't wait to see you audition."

Dean smiled up at him. He closed his eyes, sighing softly and leaning his head against Seth's chest.

Seth held him for a moment, then pulled away, leading Dean down the hallway once more. This time, however, his hand was entwined in Dean's.

"Well," Seth said, coming to stop at the front entrance of the arena, "I should probably go. It's almost seven, and it would be a little hard to get backstage to prepare with fans surrounding me."

They'd been circling the arena for the better part of the hour, just talking. Mostly about wrestling, about Dean's training, and his soon-to-be job at WWE.

Dean smiled slightly. "Text me after the show, okay?"

Seth nodded. "Of course. Oh, you better get Roman, too. You guys can find your seats easily, at least."

"That's true." Dean replied.

Seth squeezed his hand lightly. "See you later, Dean."

Dean squeezed his hand back, then let go. "Bye, Seth." He chewed his lip softly, watching Seth walk away.

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