Chapter 9

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When he finally woke up, it was past eleven. He grabbed his phone and groaned, seeing several messages from Roman.

Roman Reigns


9:34 AM

RR: Hey, you up yet?

RR: Dean?

RR: C'mon, we've gotta get ready.

RR: It's WrestleMania tonight, remember?


Dean got up out of bed and walked slowly to the shower. He'd respond to Roman when he got out. As his phone vibrated, he glanced at it for only a moment, sure it was Roman checking in on him again. Instead, he saw a message from Seth. He felt his heart skip a beat and quickly opened it.

Seth Rollins


11:23 AM

SR: Hey, are you excited for WrestleMania?

SR: If you have a good seat, I'll make sure to say hey. ;)

Dean felt his cheeks burn with heat as he replied, typing so fast he thought he was going to break the phone screen.

DA: You've seriously gotta stop with the winky face. It's bothering me.

SR: Sorry. I wasn't trying to annoy you. :(

DA: No, I didn't mean annoying!

SR: Oh, good. So anyways, where's your seat?

DA: Way far in the back. And honestly, I'm lucky to have even gotten that.

SR: What do you mean...?

DA: Roman paid for most of it. I...don't have a lot of money, tbh.

SR: Dean, I didn't know.

DA: It's not like that! I'm not, like, broke or anything.

DA: But...I'm not planning to go to college.

SR: What?

DA: Well, that way I can start training as soon as I finish high school. :)

SR: Yeah, but is important.

DA: Not to me.

DA: Listen, I gtg. Romans waiting for me.

SR: Bye...

Dean stared at the last text. He really wanted to keep talking to Seth. A lot. But he knew Roman would kill him if he didn't get going soon. Frowning, he put his phone away and got into the shower.

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