Chapter 58

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Dean refused to drive after that. Roman once more drove them everywhere, including taking Dean to school. And while he felt extremely guilty - Roman had done enough for him - he simply couldn't bring himself to get into the driver's seat again. He didn't even tell Seth until early October.

Seth Rollins

Monday, October 5, 2015

1:46 PM

SR: You were in a what?!

DA: A car crash.

DA: Honestly, Seth, it's no big deal.

DA: I wasn't even hurt.

SR: No big deal?

SR: Of course its a big deal!

DA: Seth, I'm fine!

SR: Still. When was this?

DA: September.

SR: And you're just telling me this now?

DA: Because I knew you'd react like this!

SR: Fair point...

DA: And don't worry, because I'm not getting behind the wheel again.

DA: Not anytime soon, anyways.

SR: Wait, really?

DA: Of course not.

DA: Would you want to, after that?

SR: Well... no, but...

DA: What?

SR: You can't stop doing something just because you're scared.

DA: It's a little more than just being "scared".

SR: You know what I mean.

SR: If you're scared to crash into a table from fifteen feet up, will you stop?

DA: I...

SR: You have to learn to overcome your fears.

DA: This is different.

SR: And yet the same.

SR: Don't stop driving, Dean.

SR: Push yourself.

DA: ...Okay.

SR: Yeah?

DA: Yeah. :)

DA: Thanks for talking to me.

SR: What I'm here for.

DA: By the way, we're coming to Smackdown next Tuesday.

SR: Really? Awesome.

SR: I don't know if I can get y'all backstage passes this time, though...

DA: That's okay.

DA: Can I still see you?

SR: I'll make sure of it.

DA: Okay. :)

DA: Ttyl, Seth.

SR: Bye, Dean. :)

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