Chapter 147

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A couple months later, Dean and Roman were still honing their skills in the Performance Center.

Despite both their constant pleas, they had not been on any live events or NXT, let alone the main roster. Matt stubbornly refused to give them any details about the writers' plan for each of them, simply saying, 'It'll be good, it'll be big, just be patient' each time they asked.

Today, Dean and Roman had a meeting with Triple H to discuss their upcoming roles. Dean was excited. He wondered if this meant that they would soon be seen on TV. He got chills at the thought.

He had a feeling Seth knew about it, but he wasn't spilling. That didn't stop Dean from trying.

Seth Rollins

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

7:35 AM


How's your storyline going?

Great, why do you ask? :)

I still can't believe you lost the title at Elimination Chamber.

Cause I want to know what it is.

Sorry, it's top secret.

But I'm you're number one fan!

You definitely are that.

Look, I promise you'll find out soon, okay? But I'm not telling.

Boo. :(

I'll ttyl. ;)


Dean frowned, putting his phone aside. Cryptic as usual. He'd been trying to get Seth's storyline out of him since December.

At Elimination Chamber 2017, Seth had had a title match against John Cena, AJ Styles, the Miz, Baron Corbin, Bray Wyatt, and Luke Harper. He'd ended up losing the title to John Cena, and they'd feuded over the rest of April and March and even into April.

He'd had a rematch at WrestleMania a couple weeks ago but lost. And now, with Payback fast approaching, Seth wasn't even in the title match.

Dean was somewhat mad about the way the storyline was going. Then again, he had a feeling he'd be upset whenever Seth was anything but champion.

Smiling slightly to himself, he got up, grabbed his phone, and left the room.

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