Chapter 66

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When he got to their apartment, Dean took a deep breath. He was, in all honesty, nervous about why Roman would be home this soon.

He opened the door to find his friend sitting on the couch, watching TV. When Roman saw him, he jumped up. "Dean, I texted you, I was gonna give you a ride, but you never answered so I just figured-"

"Ro." Dean has a small smile on his face. "It's okay. I didn't see the text, it's not your fault."

Roman took a breath, nodding. "Did Seth bring you home?"

"Yeah." Dean said softly. "How was Randy?"

A strange expression flickered across Roman's face, but it was gone as quickly as it had come. "Good. Really good." He was silent for a moment. "So, what'd you talk about? Did you kiss him again?"

Dean noticed the change of subject but pushed it aside. "Yeah, I did." He said sheepishly.

Roman grinned. "You're adorable, Ambrose." He reached up as ruffled Dean's hair. Dean huffed, pushing his hand away.

"I'm exhausted." He admitted.

"Me too." Roman said quietly. "Ready for bed?"

"Definitely." Dean replied.

The two said goodnight and Dean headed off to his room, replaying the night's events in his head. He fell asleep thinking of Seth's lips on his.

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