Chapter 81

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All throughout the next day, Dean couldn't concentrate. Several teachers called him out for not paying attention, but he shrugged them off. He was also pretty sure he'd failed his chemistry test, but he simply couldn't bring himself to care. All he could think about was Seth.

Dean hadn't heard from Seth since early December. Nearly four months. During that time Dean had subconsciously pushed Seth to the back of his mind. Sure, he'd still watched him wrestle, but he became just that - a wrestler. He seemed like just another famous person Dean had never met. And Dean was okay with that. But Seth's text, and his call, had caused that lie to come crashing down.

Even when he went to class that evening, he couldn't focus.

"Give him a break, Roman." Dean heard Thatcher's voice, and felt Roman's footsteps take a few steps back.

He himself lay on the ground, panting, his head pounding. Les spoke again, closer this time. Dean could tell he was standing at the edge of the ring. "Dean, you didn't tuck your chin. That was a rookie mistake."

He rubbed his face. "I know, Les, I just got distracted." He heard his instructor sigh. "Alright. On your feet."

Dean rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself up. He shook his head to clear it. "And begin."

He and Roman slowly circled the ring, never breaking eye contact. Slowly, they both reached out, interlocking their fingers on both hands. They pushed against each other.

Suddenly, Dean pulled his right hand away and punched Roman in the stomach, causing him to grunt and stumble back a step.

Roman grabbed his arm and swung him around, sending him flying into the corner with a thump. He came up to dean and hit him with an uppercut, snapping his head back. He did it again, then again. Dean counted nine times before Roman stepped back, watching Dean slide down to the floor, breathing heavily.

"Good." Les called. "Keep it going."

Dean got back up on his feet and came running at Roman, clotheslining him to the floor. He grinned, going down on his knees and wrapping his arm around Roman's in a headlock.

They moved around on the floor for a minute before Roman got on his knees and pushed him to his feet with Dean still hanging on. With a jump, he moved Dean onto his shoulders, then fell with him onto the ground with a Samoan drop. Dean groaned painfully, rolling onto his side and clutching his stomach.

Roman got to his feet to wait for Dean, who remained on the ground to catch his breath. His chest heaved. "Dean, let's go, you're taking too long. Dead space between moves is never a good thing, we've talked about this."

Dean grit his teeth and got to his feet again, Roman helping by grabbing his hair and pulling him up. When their heads were close, Roman whispered 'suplex' in his ear. Dean nodded.

Roman wrapped his arms around Dean's waist and suplexed him, then went for the pin. Dean kicked him off and rolled to his feet, hitting Roman with a right hand before throwing him into the turnbuckle. He slammed into him with an elbow, causing Roman to grunt.

He pushed Roman back, getting him to climb to the top rope. Dean followed him, whispering in his ear. He grabbed Roman's shorts and lifted him over his head, suplexing him from the top rope and quickly lifting into a bridge to pin him. His right foot slipped, however, and he collapsed onto the floor.

"Dean!" Les' voice snapped, frustrated. Dean pushed himself into a sitting position, running his fingers through his hair. "What is going on with you tonight? That's got to be the fifth or sixth mistake you've made!"

Dean buried his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just distracted-"

Les threw his hands up in the air. "Well, by all means, if you're distracted!"

Roman, pulling Dean to his feet, held his hand out reassuringly. "Can we have a minute?" He asked.

Thatcher nodded, rubbing his forehead. "Take five." He muttered.

Roman got out of the ring, gesturing for Dean to follow. "What's up?" He asked, sitting down in one of the plastic chairs.

Dean sat behind him. "I'm sorry, Ro, I haven't been able to concentrate all day..."

Roman frowned, rubbing Dean's arm comfortingly. "Why not? You're usually able to focus fine."

"Yeah, it's..." Dean hesitated. "Seth texted me last night."

Roman raised an eyebrow. "Did you respond?"

"No, but he called me too, and his text sounded important."

"I'm sure he made it seem that way." Roman said under his breath.

Dean caught it and looked over at him. "You don't think it was really something urgent?" He asked unsurely.

"No, I think he just wants you to answer him. But I know that it's bothering you, so as soon as you get home you need to text him. Okay?"

Dean bit his lip, then nodded slowly. "Okay." He whispered.

"You ready to go again?"

Dean looked up at Roman, a faint smile playing across his lips. "I'm ready to kick your ass."

Roman's eyes widened. "You wish, Ambrose."

They got up and walked back over to the ring, bickering with each other as they went.

A/N: I know many people don't like Roman Reigns, and that's okay (Even though he's amazing) But last night the world found out that Joe Anoa'i is suffering from leukemia. Even if you don't like Roman, please keep Joe in your thoughts and prayers as he battles against this. 

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