Chapter 44

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A/N: I'M SORRY! Don't kill me okay? This story is still here so don't freak out. Updates will be more regular soon. Enjoy <3

They talked for over an hour, and while the words were mostly wrestling related, Seth's hand never left Dean's. Occasionally a blush would rise in Dean's cheeks as he felt Seth's thumb move.

Finally, in a moment of silence, Seth asked, "What time is it?"

Dean shrugged and pulled out his phone. "Twelve thirty." He read.

"Damn. Seriously?" Seth sighed. "You need to get home."

Dean looked down. "Yeah. Let me call Roman."

Seth nodded, keeping quiet as Dean put the phone up to his ear. "This is Roman. Leave a message."

Dean looked over at Seth unsurely. "Voicemail."

Seth squeezed his hand gently. "I'll drive you home." He offered.

Dean's expression calmed as the voicemail beeped. "Hey, Ro. Um, hope you're doing okay. Listen, wherever you are, don't worry. Seth's gonna drive me home. So...yeah. Stay safe, okay? Bye."

He hung up, putting his phone in his pocket. Then he looked at Seth, biting his lip. "You don't really need to give me a ride-"

"Do you have a car?"

Dean hesitated. "No..."

"Then I'm giving you a ride."

"If you're sure..." he mumbled. When Seth nodded, he smiled gratefully.

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