Chapter 55

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The next few months were a blur. In late July, Dean took his driver's test and passed, first time.

He'd thought it great, until Roman had started asking him to run all kinds of errands. But he'd done it without complaint (well, mostly) because he knew how much he owed Roman.

He was driving home one night in September, pizza in the backseat. He'd had a long day at school, but Roman had a cold. Nothing serious, but Dean could tell he was tired, so he'd offered to get dinner and bring it home.

He was almost there. A street away. But he took the corner too fast. He felt his tired spin and he let go of the wheel, closing his eyes tightly. The car slammed into the ditch with a crash and threw Dean forward, right into the airbag that had inflated.

He lay there for a few minutes, unmoving. His mind was racing. Slowly, he sat back in his seat and reached into his pocket for his phone. His hands were shaking. He dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I-I crashed... um, I crashed my car in a d-ditch-" he choked.

"Okay, sir. Are you injured?"

"I-I don't... I don't think s-so."

"Okay. Can you tell me your location?"

Dean took a shaky breath and gave the street he was on. The person promised that an ambulance was on its way, made sure Dean was all right, then hung up.

He thought about calling Roman, but he wasn't sure he was able to speak anymore. He opened up his messages instead, sending his friend a two-word text.

Roman Reigns

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

DA: Car crash.

Dean would be too shaken up, even later, to remember it, but Roman made it to the scene before the ambulance did.

He knew better than to try anything, in case Dean was hurt, but he paced back and forth in front of the car until the authorities arrived.

"Excuse me, sir." A woman said, brushing by him.

Roman grabbed her arm. "He's gonna be okay, right?"

She gently pulled her arm away. "We're going to do everything we can, sir. Who are you?"

"His friend, his best friend. H-He lives with me, just a couple minutes away."

"What's your name?"

"Roman Reigns." He said. "He's my only friend, please help him-"

"We will, sir. Don't worry." With that, she walked off, leaving him alone in the dark as he watched the team work to get the door open.

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