Chapter 113

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When he got home, Roman was waiting for him on the couch, legs stretched out as he ate a bag of chips.

Dean simply stared, laughing. "I don't think I've ever seen you look so lazy in my life."

Roman stuck his tongue out and crumpled up the bag, throwing it in the waste basket nearby. He got up and walked over to Dean, looking at him expectantly. "Well?" he asked.

Dean looked down sadly. When he saw Roman's face fall, he grinned widely and looked back up. "I got it!" he said happily.

Roman's eyes widened. "Dean, that's great! When do you start?"

"Wednesday. Four to eight." Dean replied.

Roman nodded. "Well, it's a really good thing you got it..." he said, turning and walking over to the freezer. He opened it, pulling out a large box and setting it on the counter. "Cause I may have bought you a celebratory ice cream cake."

Dean looked at him. "Seriously? What happened to 'eating healthier'?"

Roman frowned. "I think you're losing it. I would never say something like that."

Dean raised an eyebrow. "Oh, of course. Your words were: 'No more junk food, okay? We've gotta stay fit and healthy. Only the good stuff from now on.'"

Roman rolled his eyes. "Okay, listen. Do you want ice cream cake or not? Because I will it this whole thing. I swear I will."

Dean shoved him lightly. "Go get plates, you idiot."

As Roman got a knife and plates and began to cut the cake, Dean took a seat at the island in the kitchen. He was smiling. "I'm so glad I got that job. I wish it paid a bit more, though..."

Roman handed him his plate. "Getting greedy already, are we?"

Dean grinned. "Nah, not that. I'm just happy I'll finally be able to start paying you back."

Roman looked up at him, his mouth full of ice cream. He swallowed. "Paying me back?" he repeated.

"Yeah. Y'know, for WrestleMania. RAW. SmackDown. Letting me live in your house, letting me live in this apartment, offering to pay for my college, my gift card, my class... basically my entire life."

Roman gave him a small smile. "I've told you time and time again, you don't owe me for any of that."

Dean nodded. "And I've told you again and again, I need to pay you back for something. At least help you out. So my pay is going toward the rent. Even though it won't cover all of it."

Roman's smile turned grateful. "You know you don't have to."

"I know. But I want to. Okay?"

Roman nodded. "Thank you, Dean..."

Dean smiled, scooping up a large spoonful of ice cream. "Of course, Ro." He replied. 

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