Chapter 16

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The match had been going on for nearly forty minutes, and Dean could tell it was coming to a close. Each move was bigger, faster, and got the fans more and more excited.

Randy Orton bounced off the ropes and ran towards Seth, only to be kicked in the stomach. Seth grabbed Randy's arms and pinned them, smirking at the crowd before delivering his finisher move, the Pedigree.

The crowd made more noise than ever. Dean stood up, eyes wide. This was it. Had to be. Seth rolled Randy over and pinned him. Two and a half seconds later, Randy kicked out. Dean fell into his seat in shock.

Seth, down in the ring, looked shocked as well. He left Randy in the middle of the ring, climbing to the top rope and preparing to jump.

And Dean realized Seth was going to lose. In near slow motion, Dean watched as Seth leapt off the top rope and Randy jumped to his feet. In mid air, Randy Orton RKO-ed Seth Rollins to the ground.

The stadium erupted in cheers as Randy pinned him for three seconds.

Roman let out a shout and jumped to his feet, grinning wildly. Dean rolled his eyes and smiled a bit, but he couldn't do more than that. He couldn't believe Seth had lost.

Roman looked down at him, his grin faltering slightly. He pulled Dean to his feet, hugging him tightly. "You good?" He asked.

Dean nodded, shrugging a bit. "Feel worse for him-" he said softly, gesturing down to the ring. "Kept wishing him luck, and he knew he was gonna lose it-"

Roman sighed and nodded. "Text him once he goes backstage. Talk to him. Okay?"

"Okay." Dean murmured. He ran his fingers through his hair, yawning.

"Let's get you back to the hotel." Roman said firmly, keeping a close hold on Dean. He led him down the steps, a painfully slow process as everyone else filed out of the stadium.

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