Chapter 64

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A/N: ;)

It took nearly twenty minutes until Dean could move out of his seat without getting in the way of everyone else. It took another ten minutes for him to navigate through the stragglers to Section 118.

When he got there, a few people still remained, chatting amongst themselves and taking selfies. They barely noticed Dean when he took a seat in one of the empty rows.

The more impatient side of him wanted to snap at them, tell them to get lost. He knew Seth wouldn't show up if there were still people around. Instead he sat there silently, flipping through his text messages.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity (but was actually half an hour) the small group of people dispersed, leaving Dean alone.

Not even two minutes later, Seth appeared, scaring Dean to death by tapping his shoulder. "Sorry, Dean." He apologized, after Dean had recovered from his near heart attack.

"No problem, I just almost died." Dean's breath caught slightly as Seth cane into view. He was still unsure as to why Seth had taken an interest in him. Surely there had been more attractive people at WrestleMania.

Seth shrugged sheepishly. "You ready to go?"

Dean tilted his head. "Where?"

"Well, I gotta grab my things first, but then..." he smiled. "Your choice."

Dean's cheeks burned slightly. "Okay." He said softly. He got out of his seat and followed Seth back into the hall. Seth took him backstage to the locker room, pulling his wet black hair back into a messy bun.

"So, did you get in trouble for talking to me?" He asked, concerned.

Seth grinned. "Hunter was kinda mad, but he just told me not to do it again. I think it surprised them more than anything, though, cause I never do stuff like that."

Dean smiled, relieved. "Well, I'm glad you didn't get in trouble."

They walked inside the room; it was empty. Dean sat on one of the benches, watching Seth collect his things and get ready to leave.

When Seth turned around, Dean had stretched out across the bench, laying on it and looking up at the ceiling. He heard Seth chuckle. "What're you doing?"

"Just relaxing. You're taking a long time." He felt a hand on his knee and tensed slightly in surprise.

Seth walked around to his side and crouched down. "Haven't seen you since May."

Dean blushed slightly as Seth cupped his cheek. "Y-Yeah. I missed you."

"Missed you too, Dean." Seth stood up and pulled Dean to his feet. He misjudged his strength, and Dean crashed into him, pushing them both back against the wall.

Dean was blushing like mad, but only later would he wonder if Seth had 'misjudged' his strength on purpose.

Seth smiled slightly, looking into Dean's eyes. Then he kissed him.

As Dean returned the kiss, he could feel Seth's weight shift, and suddenly Dean was the one against the wall. Seth's lips trailed to his neck. Dean's eyes fluttered closed, his head back on the wall. He felt Seth's hands reach for his shirt.

Suddenly, Seth's breath was hot in his ear. "Can I?" He asked softly. Dean nodded slowly, and his shirt was pulled over his head. He felt his cheeks burn in slight embarrassment. He felt exposed like this, and his body was nowhere near the shape Seth's was.

Seth paused, noticing his discomfort. "What is it?" He murmured.

Dean looked down. "You're in such great shape, and I'm-"

"Perfect." Seth said. He pulled Dean's arms away from where they'd been covering his chest. "Okay? Perfect."

Dean blushed harder than ever and entwined his fingers with Seth's.

Seth smiled and began to kiss him again, his lips soft.

As their kiss grew more heated, one of Seth's hands released Dean's and reached for his belt buckle.

The locker door slammed. They broke apart quickly; Dean looked up to see Dolph Ziggler standing there. "Seth, I am so sorry, man, I thought everyone was gone-"

Seth shook his head, signaling that it was alright. He cleared his throat, and offered Dean his shirt, which he took. "You need a ride?" He said quietly.

Dean nodded. His face felt like it was on fire. He didn't think he'd ever been so embarrassed in his life.

"Alright." Seth wet his lips. "Alright, c'mon. I'll take you home."

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