Chapter 8

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Dean finally stumbled back into his hotel room at about one in the morning. What had started as going out to lunch had ended up as an all afternoon exploration around the city, all the way through the evening, stopping at the hotel for dinner, and going back out to walk around the shops for far too long into the night.

He closed his door and collapsed onto his bed with a groan. Surprisingly, sleep didn't come. He lay there for a long time, then finally pulled out his phone.

Roman Reigns

Sunday, March 29

2:07 AM

DA: That was awesome, but I feel like if I sleep I might never wake up.

DA: What about you?

DA: Roman?

Dean sighed. Roman had obviously already fallen asleep. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon for Dean. He hesitated. It seemed wrong to text Seth this late, especially since he had the main event match, but...

Seth Rollins

Sunday, March 29

2:33 AM

DA: Hey.

DA: You're totally asleep right now. That's okay.

DA: Um, I couldn't sleep and just got bored so I thought I'd text.

DA: Never mind.

DA: Just forget I said anything.

SR: Dean? Why can't you sleep, what's wrong?

SR: Are you okay?

DA: Are you?

DA: Why are you awake so late?

SR: Couldn't sleep, I guess... Same as you.

DA: Oh.

DA: Well, you should try. You have WrestleMania tomorrow.

SR: Technically today.

SR: :)

DA: Stop being smart.

DA: It makes me feel dumb. :(

SR: What? Dean, you aren't dumb.

SR: You don't really believe that, so you?

DA: Well...

SR: Dean! You aren't!

DA: Alright, alright, I'm not dumb.

DA: Happy?

SR: If you believe that, then yes.

DA: Why do you care, anyways?

SR: I don't know.

SR: Maybe 2 AM makes me deep.

DA: Very funny.

SR: I'm serious!

SR: But you're right, we should both try to get some sleep.

DA: Do I have to?

SR: Yes.

DA: Fiiiine.

SR: Goodnight, Dean. ;)

DA: Winky face!!!

DA: Goodnight. :(

Dean sighed and closed his phone, putting it on his nightstand. He closed his eyes, laying down on his pillow, and sleep finally came.

A/N: Are y'all enjoying so far? It's about to get more interesting, I promise ;)

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