Chapter 43

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A/N: Long chapter, yay!!!

"Revenge!" Dean shouted amidst the boos. Seth had just pinned Randy for the win. Roman rolled his eyes, refusing to look at him.

"And that will be the same result when Seth has his rematch for the title." Dean said smugly.

"Whatever." Roman huffed. "Let's go, we don't want to get stuck in the crowd, remember?"

Dean nodded and got up quickly, leading the way up the steps. When they got out into the hallway, they walked over to the nearest security person, a woman with blond hair pulled back in a ponytail. "Er..." Dean looked at her unsurely. "We have backstage passes?" He held up his lanyard.

The woman glanced at his card and nodded, smiling. "Follow me, guys." She opened the door to a back hallway.

Dean smiled at Roman and followed her. She led them down the hall and into the backstage area.

He saw Roman perk up; Randy was talking to another wrestler. He was still in his wrestling gear, his body slick with sweat. He looked up, grinning when he saw Roman. He whispered something to the wrestler, who nodded and walked off.

Roman walked unsurely up to him, his cheeks a deep red. "Hi-" he mumbled.

"Hey." Randy smiled down at him.

Roman swallowed hard, seemingly unsure of what to say. He opened his mouth to speak, and Randy kissed him. Roman immediately wrapped his arms around him and kissed back deeply, eyes closed.

When Randy pulled away, Roman's eyes were wide, cheeks flushed.

"So... food?" Randy offered.

"Great." Roman whispered, slightly breathless. He glanced over at Dean, who just waved him off.

Dean continued to walk through the backstage by himself; the woman had disappeared to take a call.

He pulled out his phone to text Seth and ran straight into someone. He stumbled back. "My bad-" he stuttered, looking up. His eyes grew wide.

"No problem." Dolph Ziggler said, smiling. "You must be looking for Seth. He told me he gave out a backstage pass."

Dean nodded slowly. He was slightly awestruck.

Dolph chuckled. "You okay?"

He nodded again. "Y-You're Dolph Ziggler."

The wrestler raised an eyebrow. "Guilty." He said. "What's your name again? Seth told me, but I forgot."

"Dean." He replied.

"Well, Dean, come on then. I'll take you to Seth. He's in the locker room. Hell of a match he had tonight, huh?" He added, as they started walking.

"Yeah." Dean said, starting to regain his verbal abilities. "It was pretty awesome."

Dolph grinned as they reached Seth's room. He knocked on the door. "Hey, Seth, you decent?"

Seth's voice came through the door in a muffled tone. "Yeah, come on in, Dolph!"

Dolph opened the door and gestured for Dean to go in ahead of him. Slightly hesitant, Dean walked inside.

Seth was sitting on a bench, still in his ring attire. His pants were black with gold streaks, and he was shirtless. Sweat coated his chest.

Dean froze. For years, he'd told himself repeatedly that he was straight. He'd never felt for a guy before, not even Roman, really.

But standing there, a few feet from Seth, Dean wasn't very sure he could say that anymore.

Seth looked up, meeting his eyes. "Dean." He smiled. "Hey. Er... let me just grab a shirt-" Dean had half a mind to tell him not to, but he simply nodded.

Seth got up and toweled off his chest, throwing on a t-shirt. "Thanks for bringing him, Dolph." Dolph nodded, took the cue, and left the locker room.

Seth gestured for Dean to sit down with him. "How'd you enjoy RAW?" He asked, pulling his still wet hair back into a bun.

"It was great. You had an amazing match." Dean said, smiling at him.

"Thank you, Dean. What was your favorite part?"

Dean grinned sheepishly. "When you won." He admitted.

Seth laughed. "Yeah, That was my favorite part, too."

There was a small silence for a moment, one that Seth broke. "Are you single?"

Dean's head jerked up, his eyes meeting Seth's in surprise. "I-I..."

Seth looked away. "Bit of a personal question, sorry."

"I am." Dean said quietly. He eyed Seth, watching as his head slowly came back up. "A-Are... are you?"

Seth nodded. "Surprisingly, I'm sure." He said dryly. Dean smiled a bit at the joke.

"Why did you ask?" Dean questioned.

"Just... curious." Seth replied. When Dean nodded, Seth reached over and touched Dean's hand.

Dean jumped slightly at the contact. He was used to Roman's , but Seth's touch was... softer, somehow.

"Is this okay?" Seth's voice was quiet.

"Yes." Dean's was barely audible. He watched as Seth's hand slipped into his, holding it gently. He could feel his cheeks starting to burn.

"You know... when your friend was trying to get me to sign her poster?" Seth asked, looking into Dean's eyes. His thumb was running over the back of Dean's hand.

"Y-Yes." Dean repeated shakily.

"Well, I was really distracted when I signed it. I didn't know what I was writing it on the poster; I meant to type it on my phone." Dean swallowed hard, not saying anything. "I was texting you, Dean."

Seth stopped his thumb, taking a breath. "You were the most attractive person I met at WrestleMania." He whispered.

Dean stared at him. He didn't know what to say. Even if he did, he wasn't sure he was able to speak. Seth leaned towards him, stopping inches from his lips. His eyes searched Dean's face. He was making sure it was okay.

Instead of speaking, Dean closed the distance, pressing his lips against Seth's.

Seth's free hand reached up and cupped Dean's cheek. Dean reached up as well, covering Seth's hand with his own.

When they finally broke the kiss, they simply sat there, staring at each other.

Seth spoke first. "That was..."

"Amazing." Dean breathed.

Seth looked at him, a small smile appearing on his face. "Dean..." he said knowingly. "Are you freaking out on me?" Dean smiled back and, cheeks still burning red, shook his head 'no'.

A/N: Comment if you liked ^~^

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