Chapter 77

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When they got there, they walked inside together, approaching a woman at the front desk. "Hi, we're here for the wrestling class?" Roman asked.

The woman looked at him and nodded. "Right over there." She said, pointing.

Roman thanked her. Dean followed him into the room nearby, where several mats were piled into a corner of the room, along with a couple rows of chairs that were set up.

What really caught Dean's attention, however, was the ring in the middle of the room. He couldn't suppress the smile that came across his face.

Roman caught his expression and laughed. "You excited?" He asked.

Dean looked over at him. "Do you have to ask?" Roman shook his head, pulling him into a side hug.

"Hey, no hugging in the squared circle." An unfamiliar voice broke them apart. Dean turned to see its owner, an older man with grey hair and glasses. "I'm just kidding, guys, no need to look so serious."

Dean rubbed the back of his neck with an inside smile.

The man walked up to them, holding out his hand. They both shook it. "Les Thatcher." He introduced.

Dean was slightly speechless, so Roman spoke instead. "I'm Roman Reigns, and this is Dean Ambrose."

Thatcher nodded. "So, you two want to learn how to wrestle, huh?"

Dean nodded, as did Roman. "Yeah, Dean here especially."

"Well, do you guys have any previous knowledge? I was going to start you off with some back bumps and rolls. Can you do that?"

Roman looked at Dean. Dean nodded again. "Yeah, for sure." He said.

Thatcher smiled. "Alright, then. Get in the ring, Ambrose."

Dean glanced at Roman, who nodded encouragingly. With a smile, he walked over to the ring and climbed up into it, looking over the ropes at Thatcher. "Ready?" Their instructor asked.

"Definitely." Dean replied, eyes bright.

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