Chapter 2

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Seth Rollins


5:45 PM

DA: Hiiiiii! I hope your meet and greet went well.

DA: Seth, where are you??? I know the meetings are over!

DA: Wait I'm not bothering you am I?

DA: Omg I'm so sorry I'll stop.

SR: No, no, no.

SR: Dean, don't be upset, I was on the phone with Dolph.

DA: Dolph Ziegler? He's my FAVORITE wrestler.

SR: :(((

DA: Awww...

DA: Are you jealous?

DA: Of COURSE you're my favorite. Dolph's second.

DA: Don't tell him I said that, though.

SR: Don't worry, I won't. How are you enjoying the WrestleMania experience?

DA: It's so amazing!!! I can't wait to see you beat Randy Orton on Sunday. I know you will.

SR: Oh you do, huh?

DA: Yep :)

SR: Well, I hope you're right.

SR: ;)

DA: Is that a winky face? 0.o

SR: What's wrong? Do you not like winky faces???

DA: Of course I like winky faces, but you have to warn me before you do that.

SR: ...Why?

DA: Cause.

SR: Cause?

DA: Give me a second, I'm thinking.

SR: All right. You think. I have to go.

DA: What? No don't leave!

DA: Seth?

DA: :(

Dean lay on his hotel bed, staring up at the ceiling. He hoped he hadn't scared Seth away. That'd be his luck.

He opened his phone and stared at the messages, making sure they hadn't disappeared. Fifteen messages from the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He wanted to tell everyone at school, but that was a surefire way to get Seth to stop talking to him. Especially if hundreds of crazed girls suddenly had his personal number.

With a sigh, he climbed out of bed and texted his best friend, Roman Reigns.

A/N: Hey guys, Sky here. I hope you like the story so far, I have a long plot in mind. Hopefully you'll stick with it till the end. There most likely won't be another update till Monday, so enjoy your weekend! I'll see y'all next week ;)

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