Chapter 25

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Since Dean had already packed with the intention of leaving the day before, he hardly had anything to do. He packed up his toiletries and simply lay on his bed, watching the RAW.

When he was done, he opened his phone, looking at the message from Seth.

Seth Rollins

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

8:36 AM

SR: Hey, did you see my match last night? :)

He smiled. Seth's match on RAW was truly amazing. It was a no disqualification match against Cesaro, and it was one of the longest matches Seth had been in to date. It had also had its fair share of chairs and tables.


11:47 AM

DA: Yeah, I did. It was awesome.

DA: That chair actually bent!

DA: ...It must suck. :(

SR: It does. Worth it for the reaction, though.

DA: For sure.

DA: I just hope I'm never hit with a chair.

SR: Dean, tell me something.

SR: Do you want to be a great wrestler?

SR: Or just A wrestler?

DA: Great.

DA: No, not great. The best.

SR: Okay, I'll ignore the fact you want to be better than me.

SR: (Ain't gonna happen, by the way)

SR: But in all seriousness, Dean?

SR: No one ever became great by doing the bare minimum.

DA: I never said that!

SR: I know, I know.

SR: I'm just saying, you wanna be great, you gotta do big things.

SR: Get hit with chairs. Go through tables. Jump off ladders.

DA: Yeah, I get it, I'm just... scared.

SR: Why?

DA: Scared I'll hurt myself.

SR: You're going to. You suplex someone from the top rope, it sucks.

SR: Question is, are you determined enough to fight through it.

DA: And if I am?

SR: Then I look forward to seeing you in the Performance Center soon. ;)

DA: Would you train me?

SR: Would you want me to?

Dean started to respond as a knock sounded at the door. He looked up, distracted. It was a little past noon. More than likely it was Roman at the door. The question was whether or not Dean was ready to hear the 'explanation' his friend was going to spout out.

With a sigh, he put his phone aside and got up off his bed. He walked over and opened his door. Sure enough, Roman stood there, nervously rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Can I come?" He asked unsurely.

"Depends." Dean said, crossing his arms. "Is Randy hiding in your backpack?"

Roman flinched slightly at his words, and Dean realized how upset his friend was. He must've believed Dean was really mad.

Dean sighed. "Yeah, Ro, come in." He stepped aside to let him in, watching as he walked over to the bed and sat down. Dean himself leaned against the wall, staying silent.

"I'm sorry-" Roman began.

Dean held up his hand. "I'm not mad that you did it." He stopped for a moment, trying to collect his thoughts. "I'm mad... because you did it so quickly. Ro, you just met the man yesterday. Yes, you've been watching him wrestle for years. Yes, you've had his number for a few days. But you just met him."

Roman fidgeted on the bed, cheeks red with shame. "You're right-" he said quietly. "I know you're right. It just happened. We were in his room, cuddling. Watching TV. Then..." Roman's cheeks turned darker red. "He leaned over, and he kissed me. Really soft. And I kissed back. And we just... didn't stop."

He swallowed hard, looking up to meet Dean's eyes. "He felt horrible this morning, if that makes you feel better. He kept apologizing."

Dean sighed, looking at the floor. "No, it doesn't make me feel better. Look, Ro, you're nineteen. You're an adult. I'm not. I don't have any right to be telling you what you can and can't do. I just want to make sure you're okay with everything that happened."

Roman ran his fingers through his hair. "You mean consent." It wasn't a question, and Dean didn't disagree. "Yeah, Dean. I'm fine. Promise. Honestly, it was one of the greatest nights of my life."

Dean bit his lip. "I just don't want to see you get hurt. I care about you. You know that, right?"

Roman nodded. "I know. I feel the same."

Dean smiled softly. "You're so stupid sometimes, you know that?"

His friend nodded again. "I know."

Dean shook his head, grinning. "He sat down beside Roman, leaning against him and letting out a soft sigh. He closed his eyes. "I don't want to go home." He whispered.

Roman wrapped a gentle arm around him. "I know, Ambrose. We'll go see RAW, or Smackdown, or maybe a Live Event first chance we get, okay?"

He nodded, eyes still closed. "Okay, Ro." He murmured.

He felt Roman squeeze him gently, then let go. "You all packed?" his friend asked.

"Yeah-" Dean replied, looking up at him. "Are we leaving now?"

"Wouldn't hurt to go a little early. It's almost 12:30 now, and by the time we get everything in the car..."

Dean slowly nodded. "Okay." he said softly. He got up, running his fingers through his hair. "My suitcase is in the closet."

Roman stood up as well, smiling softly. "Let me get my stuff. I'll meet you in the lobby. Yeah?"

"Yeah." Dean smiled back, watching Roman walk out of the hotel room. The door closed gently behind him.

With a sigh, Dean walked over to the closet and pulled out his suitcase, staring at it. He didn't want to leave Santa Clara. Even thought Seth was no longer there, leaving meant leaving behind everything that had happened to him the past couple days.

Unfortunately, he had school. He should've been in class right now. In fact, he was surprised he hadn't already gotten a call from his father. They were supposed to be back in Cincinnati yesterday, but his dad would assume that he'd spent the night at Roman's. When he hadn't shown up in school today, though...

Maybe the school hadn't called him yet to let him know. Regardless, that meant he had a few hours at most before his phone would start to blow up.

He grabbed his phone off the hotel bed and pulled his suitcase out the door. He turned to look around the room one last time, then closed the door.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

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