Chapter 29

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A/N: This is a flashback, please don't get confused!!! It's Roman reflecting on his time with Randy, okay? Okay. Enjoy!

They got back to his hotel at a little past nine, Roman's eyes already half closed from need of sleep.

Randy led him over to the bed, helping him settle in, and disappeared into the bathroom to change. He appeared a few minutes later in a thin white t-shirt and sweatpants.

"Can I...?" He trailed off, gesturing to the bed.

Roman turned slightly red. "Y-Yeah, of course-" he moved over, giving Randy room to climb onto the bed next to him. "'S your bed." He added after a moment.

Randy smiled softly. "True." He hesitated, then wrapped his a around Roman's shoulders. Roman immediately moved closer, resting his head on Randy's chest. His movements earned him a small chuckle from Randy.

"So," the man said, looking down at Roman, "what should we watch?"

He thought for a moment. "Royal Rumble?" He asked hopefully. "I want to watch you win."

Randy raised an eyebrow. "That seems rather egotistical of me."

Roman looked up at him with grey puppy-dog eyes. "Please?" Randy laughed at his expression and nodded, causing Roman to smile.

Randy turned on the WWE Network and found the 2015 Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Instead of watching the whole thing, he skipped ahead to the actual Royal Rumble match.

They watched in silence for a while, smiling as superstars were tossed, shoved, and clotheslined over the top rope. Roman laughed as he watched Kofi Kingston land on his hands (both feet have to hit the floor for a superstar to be eliminated) and walk himself back to the metal steps with his feet high in the air. He was eliminated minutes later, but it didn't matter. Kofi was simply known for doing crazy things to save himself from elimination.

The clock appeared on the screen, and the crowd began to count down from ten (always one number off) to welcome entry number twenty. "This is my favorite part." Roman said, his hand on Randy's chest.

Randy smiled down at him. "Really? Mine comes a little while later."

They resumed the silence as Randy entered the match, sliding into the ring and singlehandedly clearing out all six superstars in the ring. He waited for the next entry.

When the final superstar had entered the ring, there were seven competitors left: Big E Langston, Dolph Ziggler, John Cena, Heath Slater, Sheamus, and Cesaro.

Sheamus and Cesaro were in the middle of a feud, so they fought on one side of the ring until they eliminated each other, both toppling over the ropes at the same time.

Big E eliminated Heath not long after (to no one's surprise) and thus the final four were known. Dolph, Randy, Cena, and Big E circled the ring for a minute, glancing at each other.

"This is the moment I knew you would win." Roman said, watching carefully. "I mean, I'd been hoping since you entered, but once it got down to this I knew."

Randy smiled, squeezing him gently as they watched. Big E went after Cena, and Dolph after Randy.

It had been a long match, all four of them seemed determined to win. All of the sudden, John Cena clotheslined Big E, and over the ropes he went. Cena glanced at Randy, who gave a quick nod. Together, they lifted Dolph into the air and launched him over the ropes, where he fell onto Big E. And then there were two.

They beat the hell out of each other, and they pulled out all the stops. Cena had Randy on the floor. He turned and bounced off the rings to deliver his finisher. When he came running, Randy wasn't on the ground anymore. He had gotten up and, faster than anyone could blink, RKOed John Cena to the floor. He yanked him up and tossed him over the ropes.

As the crowd exploded into cheers, Roman did the same, clapping and grinning widely.

Suddenly, Randy grabbed Roman's chin, turning it towards him, and kissed him. Roman's cheeks felt like fire; he kissed back. It started out soft, but quickly turned rough, and Roman had Randy's t-shirt knotted in his hands.

Randy broke the kiss with a soft gasp and pulled his t-shirt over his head, throwing it in the corner. He stared down at Roman, bare chest rising and falling. Roman wanted to pinch himself.

Randy opened his mouth to speak, but Roman beat him to it with two words. "Don't stop." The words surprised him, but he'd never meant anything more in his entire life.

Randy didn't hesitate; he slipped his hands under Roman's shirt and kissed him fiercely.

A/N: Long chapter, be proud! Also shoutout to malecfack for all their votes! Bye for now guys.

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