Chapter 11

556 31 16

Seth Rollins


6:30 PM

DA: These matches are decent, but this kickoff show is taking forever!

DA: I wish you weren't the main event.

SR: Slightly offended by that.

DA: No, I didn't mean it like that!

DA: I just wish I didn't have to wait so long to see you wrestle.

SR: Ah. More acceptable. Roman there?

DA: Yeah, he's watching over my shoulder.

DA: Ow! He just shoved me. :(

SR: Oops. Well, tell him Randy says hi.

DA: What're you trying to do, give him a heart attack?

SR: Just passing along a message.

DA: I think he actually almost fell over. And he says hi back.

DA: No, wait, sorry.

DA: He said: Tell Randy I DO NOT obsess over how hot he is.

SR: XD That's hilarious.

SR: Rand said he's said because no one thinks he's not.

DA: Roman literally tried to rip the phone out of my hands.

DA: He said that Randy's SUPER hot, but I shouldn't type it cause he's embarrassed.

DA: He didn't say he's embarrassed, but I know he is.

SR: Poor Roman.

SR: Randy had to leave, but he wants to give Roman his number.

SR: So they can talk sometime.

DA: I think he screamed.

DA: Anyways, you're probably busy, so I'll leave you alone.

DA: Roman's shaking my arm.

DA: He would appreciate it if I got Randy's number before I left.

SR: No problem.

SR: 865-241-2234

DA: Thanks. He was about to strangle me.

DA: I'm gonna go calm him down.

Roman was putting up a magnificent fight trying to get the phone away from Dean, but Dean managed to fend him off. "I'm gonna give you the damn number, Ro, just relax, alright?!"

With a huff, Roman released him, pulling out his own phone and staring impatiently. Dean glared and read off the number for him. The second he was done, Roman was typing madly. Dean simply sat back and continued to watch the matches.

A/N: Let's get one thing straight (Even though I'm not haha) This is not Randy Orton's real number. Please do not attempt to call it because I do not know what will happen. Thank you :)

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