Chapter 91

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A/N: Heyyy! I'm honestly so sorry about my long time away. I feel really bad. Unfortunately, that's what happens when you have Christmas vacation, traveling, and the flu. On my birthday 😒 Anyways, I'm back now with updates, so don't you worry ;) Enjoy!

Dean offered to drive, since Seth was still a bit of a wreck. Seth, from the passenger seat, gave Dean instructions leading from the cemetery to the Pizza Hut nearby. Once there, Dean parked (perfectly, according to him) and they went inside.

"What d'you feel like?" Dean asked, looking over at Seth. "You want a whole pizza, or just a couple slices?"

Seth met his eyes. "I'm pretty hungry..." he admitted.

"Whole pizza it is, then. How about breadsticks?"

Seth smiled slightly. "Cheesy?" He asked hopefully.

Dean grinned. "Absolutely. Go get us a table, alright? I'll order."

Seth hesitated, then nodded. "Okay." He said. He wandered off to get them seats.

Dean ordered, then turned, his eyes scanning the restaurant to locate Seth. He found him in a booth in the corner, looking out the window. Dean slid into the booth opposite him.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked softly.

Seth jumped slightly; he hadn't noticed him approach. "My grandmother." He replied. "You. A lot, I guess."

Dean looked at him sympathetically. "You found out right before your match, didn't you?"

Seth bit his lip. "How'd you know?"

"You did a good job hiding it, but... for someone who'd just won the world title, you sure as hell didn't look happy."

The wrestler gave a bitter smile. "Yeah, well. You're right. I almost broke down right there. But I had a match. Couldn't let the fans down."

Dean nodded, looking down.

Seth took a deep breath. "Enough about that." He said, turning his head to look at Dean. "How've you been?"

Dean smiled. "Good, actually. Really good." He glanced out the window, squinting at the sun beating down through it. He took his blazer off, feeling warm. His white oxford shirt had become tighter, perhaps from the muscle he'd developed over the past few months.

Seth stared at him. "Dean, your arms." He said. "Have you been working out?"

Dean felt a slight blush rise in his cheeks. "Yeah, actually. After Christmas, Roman and I started... training."

"Training?" Seth repeated.

"To wrestle. The gym near our house has a training program." Dean said, a bit sheepishly.

"Dean, that's amazing!" Seth said. "I can't believe you've started already." He reached across the table, then hesitated slightly. "Can I?"

Dean's cheeks turned red. "I-I... yeah-" he stuttered.

Seth rested his hand on Dean's upper arm, feeling it. He slid down to touch his forearm, then moved back up again. "Wow, Dean. You look amazing, you know that? You should be really proud of yourself."

"T-Thanks, Seth-" Dean said softly.

"Well, how's it going? What've you learned?"

Dean grinned slightly. "Enough to take you on."

Seth raised an eyebrow. "Really?" He asked. "How about I take you up on that?"

Dean stared at him. "What?"

"Come with me to the academy, show off your moves. I'll give you some tips."

"When you say academy..." Dean trailed off, biting his lip.

"Black and Brave." Seth replied. "My academy."

Dean's eyes widened. "For real?"

"For real." Seth replied, smiling.

A worker brought over their pizza and breadsticks, then left, returning a moment later with drinks. Seth thanked him.

"What do you say?" The superstar asked, taking a slice off the metal dish.

Dean grabbed a piece as well. "Are you kidding me? Yes! Well, as long as you promise not to embarrass me in front of the students. Not too much, anyways. You won't, right?"

Seth was laughing, actually laughing, and Dean felt a warm feeling growing within him as he realized he was the reason. "Damn, Dean, you haven't changed a bit, have you?"

Dean smiled. "Guess not." He took a bite of pizza.

They continued to talk, just simple things about their lives and how they'd been, until they'd eaten their way through six slices of pizza and four breadsticks. They got a to-go box from the worker, and Dean packed up the remaining four breadsticks and pizza.

Seth reached into his back pocket, but Dean shook his head. "I got it." He pulled out his wallet.

"No, Dean, let me-" Seth began.

Dean pulled out the card and showed him. "Don't worry." He replied. "Gift card."

Seth just grinned. "Always prepared, huh?"

Dean nodded proudly, handing the card over to the worker. The man brought it back a minute later. "Okay sir, here you are. I circled your remaining balance. Have a good day."

Dean smiled, taking back the card. "Thank you." He said. He slid out of the booth, Seth following after him.

"You feel like driving?" Dean asked, looking back at him. "Easier than giving me directions."

Seth thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I'll drive."

Dean threw him the keys, then climbed into the passenger seat, placing the to-go box in the back. As Seth got into the driver's seat beside him, Dean glanced at the receipt. "Ro!" He breathed.

Seth frowned, looking over at him. "You okay?" He asked unsurely.

Dean swallowed and showed Seth the receipt. Seth's eyes went wide. "A hundred dollars?" He read. "What is that?"

"My remaining balance." Dean said in disbelief. "That means Ro gave me a hundred and twenty five dollars. I really need to talk to him when I get home..."

Seth chuckled. "What a gift."

Dean nodded in agreement.

"Anyways." Seth started the car. "Ready to go?"

"Definitely. Let's go." Dean said, smiling.

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