Chapter 142

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When they got to their room, Dean swiped the electronic key card, unlocking the door. He walked in, Seth following and closing the door behind him.

"What should we do?" Seth asked.

Dean smiled slightly. "What else? Watch wrestling."

Seth chuckled. "Alright, but I'm picking the match this time."

"Fine by me." Dean turned and jumped onto the bed, landing with a crash that surely both broke the springs of the mattress and annoyed several of their neighbors.

Seth shook his head, grabbing the remote and coming to sit beside him. "Let's see..." he mused. "I'm thinking WrestleMania."

"Which one?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. Maybe an old one, like Hulk Hogan days, or something."

"Up to you." Dean murmured. He turned onto his side, leaning into Seth.

Seth flipped through the options and reached up with his free hand, absentmindedly stroking Dean's hair.

"WrestleMania III." He said finally.

Dean smiled. "'The Body Slam Heard 'Round the World.'" he quoted.

Seth nodded, pressing play. 

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