I am weird!?

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Xiao Xi: Xiao Yang, wake up now! We are going to be late for our first class! You know we can't be late for Professor Han class!

Me: Oh no! Lucky you wake me up if not I am definitely going to be Professor Han slave this semester.

I quickly take a bath and eat some breakfast then rush to the classroom together with Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi. In Beijing University, we are all assign a classroom every semester and the lecture will come in during their slots.

We do not have homeroom teacher but the lecturer who had the most class for that semester will set the seating arrangement for us. Lucky for us Professor Han had not arrive, we take the available seat and wait for the professor.

A while later professor Han come in and start rearrange our seating arrangement.

Professor Han: Since both major have not been in the same class before, today I will rearrange your seating arrangement so that you will have to sit with different major to know each other better.

And so professor Han start to pick a name from BIS and a name from ISE. Slowly the people get their seating partner and start sitting together. Xiao Ying got to sit with Wang Jun Kai and Xiao Xi is sitting with a guy name Wang Yuan.

Professor Han: Huang Zhi Yang!

Me: Yes!

Professor Han: You will be sitting with Yi Yang Qian Xi at that corner desk.

Me: Oh!

I take my belonging and move to the corner desk. Initially I wanted to sit by the window, but my neighbor took over the place early than me so I have no choice but to take another seat.

Me: Hai, I'm Huang Zhi Yang. You can call me Xiao Yang.

Qian Xi: Yi Yang Qian Xi. Just call me Qian Xi will do.

Me: Oh...

After that both of us never say another word again. For the whole period I feel quite pressure, I feel like I can't breathe. After the period end I immediately rush out of the classroom while waiting for both Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi.

Xiao Ying: Xiao Yang why do you rush out so fast?

Me: I feel like I can't breathe in there! I have to come out to breathe!

Xiao Xi: Hei, hei sitting with one of the most handsome guy make you breathless?

Me: No! Is his aura that make me can't breathe! Wait what do you mean one of the most handsome guy?

Xiao Xi: Wang Jun Kai, Wang Yuan and Yi Yang Qian Xi is the most handsome guys in our year.

Xiao Ying: Yes and 3 of them are cousin as well~

Me: Cousin?

Xiao Xi: Yes~

Me: Oh my goodness!

After the short break, we went back for another class. This time I hardly able to concentrate on the class as I keep on peeking on my neighbor. I am wondering why all of them say he is handsome.

Well true enough after a whole period of observing him, he does live up to his title. After that I observe his 2 cousin and they as well live up to their title.

After class, because of me not concentrating in class a while ago I had to go to the library to do some self-study. I bid goodbye to both Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi and went to the library.

While on my way to the library I saw the 3 cousin sitting at a round table chatting. At first I plan to just walk off but then I hear my name in their conversation. Being curious I went over and eavesdrop.

Yuan: Qian Xi, how is your neighbor~

Xiao Kai: Hahaha, you know what. People say what you do not want it to happen normally will happen right away~

Qian Xi: Oh, shut up you both! She is weird but at least she does not try to do any weird thing to me.

Yuan: I found she keep on peeking on you on 2nd period.

Qian Xi: Really? Please hope she don't fall me!

Me: *suddenly jump out* Don't worry! I won't fall for you okay! And sorry if I look weird to you! I will change my seat with a normal person if Professor Han allow!

After screaming at them I walk off to the library. What did I do to deserve being criticize as weird by them! Maybe my fashion sense is not good, but I am no way to weird okay!

While studying in the library I keep on mumbling. Suddenly a guy poke me and ask me to keep quiet. I stop mumbling after that.

After self-studying I went back to the dorm and tell the girls about it. Both of them just laugh at me.

Me: What's so funny!?

Xiao Xi: This is the first time you get so angry and yell at someone because they say you are weird.

Me: But I really can't take it! I am not weird at all just that my fashion sense is different than other people, that's it! How can they judge me just by my fashion sense and deem me as weird!

Xiao Ying: Okay okay, so how you going to face your neighbor tomorrow?
Me: I'll talk to Professor Han tomorrow to change seat.

Xiao Ying: What if Professor Han don't allow?

Me: Well, I'll just have to sit there and ignore him!

Both of them nod their heads and continue what they were doing earlier. I take a shower and went to sleep after that. I totally lost my mood to play my favorite game that night as well!

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