You are my boss?

490 13 1

*Qian Xi P.O.V*

Our final year 1st semester end so fast! After the short break, we start our internship at our grandfather company. Since the company will be taken over by us after we graduate, my grandfather gives us a test before we officially take over.

Today is our first day as intern in the company. My big uncle, Xiao Kai father bring us to our office. We will be under my small uncle, Yuan father supervision. But we are a new team who will develop new game out from scratch.

We have our own office and pantry. Of course, based on my understanding of my mother, for sure she had already stock the pantry with foods. We choose our seat then starts to plan for the rough idea for the new game.

Yuan: When will the girls come in?

Me: Tomorrow, why?

Yuan: More brains, more ideas?

Xiao Kai: Agree~

After a whole day of brainstorming we went back and rest for the night. The next day come and we went to the office early in the morning. At 8AM a HR staff knock on the meeting room that 3 of us had make it as our warzone.

HR: Young masters, the 3 other interns had already come.

Xiao Kai: Had they done their admission?

HR: Yes.

Me: Bring them over here.

HR: Noted.

A while later another knock on the door again.

HR: Here is your superior, even though they are intern as you but they are the young masters of the company. So please help them out with whatever you can.

Xiao Ying: Noted.

HR: I will leave now.

Xiao Yang: Hi?

Me: Don't just stand there come over and help out.

Xiao Yang: Wait, Xiao Xi did I have hearing problem?

Xiao Xi: Why?

Xiao Yang: Why does the person who just talk sound so much like Qian Xi?

Xiao Xi: Yes, it does sound like him.

Me: It's because is me.

I look up and saw the shocked face of the 3 girls.

Me: Not only me, Xiao Kai and Yuan is here too.

Xiao Yang: Wait just now the HR say you are our superior? The young master of the company?

Yuan: Yes, we are your boss~ Our grandfather own this company, now it is being taken care by our parent. Soon it will be our turn to take over the company.

Xiao Yang: The beta account that you give me is?

Xiao Kai: Oh, that game we develop it so giving you a beta account is no problem. Don't worry about it.

Xiao Yang: 3 of you develop that game? So the note I pass to Qian Xi? Ahhhhh! I am super embarrassing now!

Yuan: Your note help us a lot. Thanks~

Me: Stop chit-chatting! We have a lot to do!

They stop chit-chatting and come over to help us. Since I know what is their strength so I separate into 3 teams so that the work can be done faster.

Me: We have discuss on a rough idea on the new game we are going to develop. Xiao Yang you will be partnering with me since your drawing skills is not bad. We will be in charge of designing the layout and the character.

Xiao Yang: Okay.

Me: Xiao Kai you partner with Xiao Ying for the storyline.

Xiao Kai: No problem~

Me: Yuan, you with Xiao Xi for the programming logic.

Yuan: Okay!

After that we start to work on our own part. I explain to Xiao Yang on the concept that we had and she really is good in this. All the suggestion and comment she give really help me a lot.


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