Locked together!

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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

It had been few hours since both of us get locked in my room by my mother. All I did is read book while Xiao Yang watch the television. She must be shocked when I told her that my mother wanted a daughter-in-law.

Suddenly the television does not emit any sound. I look up to see Xiao Yang turn off the TV and look awkward.

Me: You are not watching the TV anymore?

Xiao Yang: *blush* No!

Me: Why?

She ignore me and I feel something is off. I walk over to her side, grab the remote control while she is stopping me from turning it on again. Since I am way taller than her, she can't do anything to stop me. I turn on the TV and realize what is in it. I immediately turn it off!

Me: What are you thinking mom! Sorry Xiao Yang, it must be my mother...

Xiao Yang: *blush and nod*

Since she have nothing to do, I give her some paper and stationary for her to draw. While me continue to read book. We continue with what we are doing until 7PM. My mother use her way to serve us dinner.

We take the dinner and finish it off within half an hour. After around 10 minutes, I feel myself getting hotter and weird.

Me: Xiao Yang, do you feel hot?

Xiao Yang: En, it is the air-conditioner problem?

Me: Should not be, it is centralize one.

Suddenly Xiao Yang unbutton her cloths! I immediately run over and stop her from doing it!

Me: What are you doing!? Are you nuts?

Xiao Yang: I don't know, I just feel like taking off my clothes...

Me: No, you can't! Wait! Do you feel like the desire to have sex?

Xiao Yang: *blush and nod*

Me: I knew it! Mum! You even go to this extend to get a daughter-in-law!

While I still can control myself, I lock myself in the toilet to prevent anything happen. But it seems like Xiao Yang already can't control herself... She is moaning and knocking on the door pleading for help.

I close my ears and stop thinking of it, and shower myself with cold waters. After a while, there is no more sound from outside. I step out of the shower and wear my clothes.

After I calm myself down, slowly I open the door to see what happen. I saw Xiao Yang laying on the floor, I rush over to see what happen to her.

Then I realize she hit herself to either the wall or bookshelves to make herself faint. At that moment my heart really hurt. I carry her to the bed and let her sleep there. After being tortured by the medicine, I feel tired as well and soon I fall asleep after that.

The next morning I wake up to see Xiao Yang blushing and there is a big bum on her forehead. My mother send the breakfast over with an egg. I use that egg to roll on her forehead.

Me: What did you do last night?

Xiao Yang: I can't take it so I bang myself to the wall...Ah, slower it hurts!

Me: Sorry, I don't know that my mother will go to that extend...

Xiao Yang: I understand, you also try your best to control yourself.

Me: Come let's eat breakfast.

Xiao Yang: Er, it won't happen again right?

Me: Er, let me eat first if nothing happen then only you eat, okay?

She give me a nod and I start to eat, after I had finish we wait for around 10 minutes. Nothing happen, so she start to have her breakfast. After she had done with it, we chit-chat for a while and watch the TV together.

At around 5PM the same thing happen again, the TV showing the same type of program. I immediately turn it off.

Xiao Yang: Will your mother put medicine in our dinner again?

Me: Let me take the dinner first, if anything happen push me into the toilet and locked me in, okay?

Xiao Yang: *nod*

Same like in the morning after waiting for around 10 minutes nothing happen so I instruct Xiao Yang to take hers. Nothing happen, I guess my mother had given up?

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