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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

When I heard what Yuan had mention I totally lost my mind! If Xiao Yang really saw me and Xiao Mei that day then truly she will misunderstands!

Me: Shit! She will think that I am the father of Xiao Mei baby!

Xiao Kai: Possible... That's explain why she don't want to see you and wanted to break up with you.

Me: I am in deep shit now!!!

Xiao Ying: Qian Xi! Now the most important things is to find Xiao Yang and explain to her!

Me: Yes, true! But I don't know where she will go!

Xiao Xi: Did Xiao Yang mention to you before where she wanted to go?

Me: I think I know! Xiao Kai help me to book flight ticket to Hokkaido as early as possible. Yuan help me to book the inn that we book last time when we went there!

Xiao Kai & Yuan: Okay!

Xiao Ying: You think Xiao Yang will be there?

Me: I just guess, hope that my intuition is correct.

After that I pack my things and when to the airport. Before I when in to the immigration Xiao Kai told me to inform them if I need their help. If needed they will fly over immediately.

Me: Thanks couz, appreciate much!

After 4 hours in the plane finally I touchdown to Sapporo International Airport. I rent a car and drive up to the inn that Yuan help me to book. After check in done I when to the reception to ask if they saw Xiao Yang or not.

Me: *show photo* Did this girl check in into this inn this few day?

Receptionist: Yes, she check in the day before yesterday.

Me: How long is she planning to stay?

Receptionist: 2 weeks.

Me: Thanks, had she went out already today?

Receptionist: Yes, this few day she will went out at 5AM and come back late at around 10PM.

Me: Thanks so much.

After that I went back to my room to inform Xiao Kai them. They are so happy that I found where Xiao Yang is and wish me good luck. Actually I plan to wait for her to come back that night to explain to her but then it might be tiring for her so I plan to meet her the next morning.

The next day I wait for her in the lobby at 4.30AM. True enough she went out at 5AM and I block her way.

Me: Xiao Yang...

Xiao Yang: Sorry mister? Do I know you?

Me: Please hear my explanation...

Xiao Yang: There is nothing to explain between you and me. Now please move away or I will be late.

I let her go but then I follow behind her. She on the other hand did not say much and just let me follow. I try to talk to her but all she does is ignore me.

First she went up the hill to wait for the sunrise after that she went to the lavender field to walk around and went to few places after that. I have been following her for whole day now, and I guess she is starting to get uneasy by it.

Xiao Yang: How long do you plan to follow me? We had already break up, I can report to police that you are harassing me, do you know that?

Me: I know, but you did not do so.

Xiao Yang: What do you want! Can't you just leave me alone?

Me: I can leave you alone, but you have to give me 10 minutes. If after I have finish talking you still want me to leave, I will okay?

Xiao Yang: Your 10 minutes start now!

Me: What you saw that day is not what you think...

Xiao Yang: I know what I saw...

Me: That girl is call Xiao Mei, she is my childhood best friends. That day he husband my another childhood best friends is not free to accompany her to hospital so they ask me for help.

Xiao Yang: But you both are so intimate!

Me: I treat her like my own sister that is why we are intimate... Really I and she is not what you think... If you don't believe I can call Xiao Kai and her to talk to you.

Xiao Yang: Call then...

Luckily that I know such situation will happen and so I had previously ask Xiao Kai to standby with Xiao Mei and her husband in case I need to call them to clarify. I video call them and ask Xiao Yang to ask them herself.

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