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*Qian Xi P.O.V*

After all of them left the room, I close the door and walk towards Xiao Yang. I take her hand and bring her over to the bed and sit there.

Me: I heard what you say just now.

Xiao Yang: *blush* It's okay if you wanted to reject me. I am okay with it, really...

Me: Really? I really can reject you?

Xiao Yang: *nod*

Me: But I don't want to reject you. You know what? I am not going to let go of you from now onwards. Please be prepare for an overbearing boyfriend~

Xiao Yang: *smile, blush and nod*

Then we went downstairs to the dining room to meet the other.

Xiao Kai: How was it?

Me: *give out a victory sign*

Yuan: Congratulations~

Me: Thanks and grandpa can I request to add another 4 days to the deadline as we had wasted 4 day due to mother...

Grandpa: Nope, I am not going to add for you. You will have to make it out with the deadline being set earlier~

Yuan: Grandpa~

Grandpa: Nope, Yuan it's not going to work this time. I advise you all to start working now~

All of us sigh and immediately went to the study room to start our project. Since we can access to our PC in office we immediately start work.

Even though grandpa do not allow us to add extra day but he allow us to work from home. So all of us stay in the mansion for the remaining two month to complete the project.

Finally, the project is done and we also end our internship. Since there is few day before we start our last semester, we went out to have fun for a few day.

We went to Hokkaido for a short break. Since it is still winter when we went there all we can see is white scenery.

Xiao Yang: If I can see the flower field how nice would it be~

Me: I'll bring you here next time when it is spring, okay?

Xiao Yang: Okay~

During that few day, it is the happiest time for us. We have nothing to worry about, all we do is have fun and enjoy.

After the trip, we went back to Beijing and start our final semester. Lucky that we do not need to sit for exam for our final exam. All we need to do is to submit one final individual project and we are done.

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