What happen to you?

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Today I wake up early to shower then I put on some light make up with decent clothes. I did not wear my big spectacle and done my hair nicely.

Xiao Xi: Xiao Yang! What happen to you? You say you scare being arouse by people, why today you wear so nice?

Me: Because someone promise to take care of me so no people will dare to arouse me, so I just be myself~

Xiao Ying: Someone? Who's that?

Me: Not telling~

When I went into the office that day a lot of people keep on stare at me as if they don't believe what they saw. I smile at their expression, it is so fun to see them like this.

When I walk into our office at first Xiao Kai and Yuan don't realize until Qian Xi talk to me.

Qian Xi: So you are not wearing spectacles today I assume?

Me: Yes, because someone promise me right?

Qian Xi: *smile*

Yuan: Wait! Xiao Yang you are not wearing spectacle? Your vision is totally okay?

Me: Yes, because of some reason I had to wear like that now its ok already. *wink at Qian Xi*

Qian Xi: *smile and walk away*

Yuan: Wait? What happen?

Xiao Kai: Stop gossiping and let's finish the work!

I smile at both Xiao Kai and Yuan then continue with my work after that. A while later I take all the layout and went into the meeting room with Qian Xi to have a meeting with him.

After discussing all the related item, we sit there to get the work done.

Qian Xi: You really do look different after you have change.

Me: Is it? So it is good or bad?

Qian Xi: Good.

Me: Thanks~

Qian Xi: This coming Friday is Yuan birthday, you are invited to our family celebration.

Me: Really? But are you sure I'm ok to go?
Qian Xi: No worry, Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi both invited as well.

Me: Oh, okay~

Qian Xi: Just get ready by 6PM I will come and fetch 3 of you that day.

I nod to him and continue my work.

Today 3 of us are allow to go back half day to prepare for Yuan birthday celebration. I wear a simple dinner dress with some light make up on. When 6PM I receive message from Qian Xi that he is waiting for us downstairs.

I inform the girls and grab my present for Yuan and off we go. Eventually both my dorm-mate do not want to sit in front so I have no choice but to see at the passenger seat next to the driver seat.

The whole journey Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi keep on chatting while me and Qian Xi did not speak much. Once we reach, he bring us to the living hall and there Yuan is already looking handsomely.

Qian Xi: I'll leave the girls with you Yuan, I'll go prepare.

Yuan: Sure~ Come have some drink~

We chat with Yuan for a while then he had to entertain the other guest. After a while Xiao Kai join us and we continue to chat for a while before leaving us alone again. Having too much drink I need to go to the toilet and so I walk out from the living room to find the toilet.

Me: Man! How big can this mansion be? Where is the toilet?

Then I come across a room, I open it and realize it's not the toilet but then something catches my eyes. The room is fill with all kind of drawing. But the thing that catches my eyes is not the drawing but the signature bottom it.

All of the drawing had the same signature "Jackson". It is the same as the one I had in my sketch book. So the person who draw me live in this mansion as well? While I try to figure out who it is, a voice shocked me!

Maid: Miss, you should not be here.

Me: Oh, I'm sorry I wanted to go to the toilet but mistakenly walk into this room

Maid: Oh, come I bring you over to the toilet.

Me: Okay, by the way whose drawing is this?

Maid: Nice isn't it?

Me: Yes it is!

Maid: This are the drawing from Young Master Qian Xi.

Me: Young Master Qian Xi? You mean Yi Yang Qian Xi?

Maid: Yes, that's correct. Miss, come follow me here is the direction to the toilet.

The young maid bring me to the toilet and escort me back to the living room. The whole journey my mind keep on thinking on what the young maid told me. 

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