My Big Day~

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Today is my big day! I am so nervous about it, I wake up early in the morning for make-up and hair do then change into my wedding dress. I am in my room while my sisters is downstairs playing with the groom and his brothers.

Xiao Ying is my maid in honor so she stay in the room with me while watching live together with me. They play for around 45 minutes and they are being let by my sisters to go up the stairs. While in front of the room, Xiao Ying ask Qian Xi to sing a song.

Qian Xi: What song you want me to sing? I can't think of anything now!

Xiao Ying: If you don't sing, this door will not be open~ Sing now~

Qian Xi: Yuan! What song?

Yuan: Er, how about 宠爱?

Qian Xi: What is that?

Xiao Kai: Fast! Open the song with lyric!

Xiao Xi: Since you wanted to sing宠爱, do it together with the dance~

Qian Xi: Hey! No adding on!

Xiao Ying: Good idea, Xiao Xi~

Xiao Kai: Faster, open the video and see it. Chorus will do right?

Xiao Ying: Yeap~

I saw Qian Xi watch the video and learn the dance for around 5 minutes, then he start to sing and dance.

Qian Xi: *while dancing*

才短短几个礼拜 心情坏因为你不在~
有一道光 暖暖的洒下来
忍不住的小期待 因为爱

After done with it, Xiao Ying open the door and he come in to get me. He open up my veil and kiss me after that. After that we went down for the traditional ceremony then it is the wedding reception.

After all is done, both me and Qian Xi lay on the bed not willing to move an inch. With that we fall asleep on our first day becoming husband and wife. The next morning after washing up we went downstairs for breakfast.

Yuan: Good morning~ How is yesterday night? *wicked smile*

Qian Xi: Sleep... What do you want...

Yuan: What? It's your first night as husband and wife! You did not enjoy it?

Me: You will know when you get marry Yuan. It is too tired...

Xiao Kai: It's okay, you have long way to go~ Qian Xi faster give birth to a niece for me to play~

Qian Xi: Ask my wife, don't ask me. *look at me*

Me: Ask Xiao Ying *point at Xiao Ying*

Xiao Ying: Hey! Don't throw the ball to me okay!

Then she walk off and we all laugh as Xiao Kai run to get Xiao Ying back. After that we went for honeymoon for a months. When we come back we have to get ready for graduation.

2 years pass after graduation, Qian Xi as always is busy with his work. As for me after graduation I work as a game designer in grandfather company of course. Every day both of us will work until late night as we are rushing for a new game.

Today is Sunday, both of us had agree that we will not work on this day. Today when I wake up first thing that I do is rush to the washroom and vomit.

Qian Xi: Are you feeling sick?

Me: I am not sure...

He touch my forehead to check if I have fever or not but he say I am all right.

Me: Maybe I have too much wind? I'll drink some ginger water later.

Qian Xi: Okay, I tell them to make for you.

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