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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

Although I start to talk to Qian Xi and his cousin again but we rarely chat. Most of the time we concentrate in the class and after class I will leave as soon as possible as I have part time job need to attend to.

But today the 3 of them stop me from leaving.

Me: Yes?

Yuan: Qian Xi, tell her! She is your neighbor.

Qian Xi: Xiao Kai, you are our big brother you tell her.

Me: Enough! Either you tell me now or just let me go. I am going to be late for my job!

Qian Xi: Okay, have you get accepted at any company for internship?

Me: I have not apply yet, why do you ask?

Qian Xi: Good! Then you don't have to apply already.

Me: Why? Internship is part of the course! If I don't go I will not be able to graduate!

Qian Xi: Because you already get accepted in XX Company!

Me: Me? Accepted into XX Company? Why? How?

Xiao Kai: Just give us your email address will do.

Since I am rushing for my job, I just give them my email address and rush off. After work, I went back to the dorm and rest. I shower and take my dinner at the same time I check my email.

At first I thought 3 of them are just joking. I am shocked when I saw the admission letter.


Ms Huang,

You have been accepted as XX Company intern. Please report yourself on 10/01/2017, 8AM.

We are happy to have you with us.


Me: What! I really get accepted as intern in XX Company!

Xiao Xi: What?

Me: I got accepted into XX Company as intern!

Xiao Ying: Congratulations! This is your dream to enter XX Company!

Me: Yes~ At first I thought they lie to me but I really got accepted!

Xiao Xi: They? Who are they?

Me: Qian Xi, Xiao Kai and Yuan. They told me I got accepted this afternoon. I have not even apply any company at all.

Xiao Ying: That's weird, but anyhow congratulation again~

Me: Maybe some lecturer recommends me?

Xiao Xi: Possible~ Anyway congratulations to you~ Maybe I should just apply the same company as you?

Xiao Ying: If you apply I want to apply as well~ Maybe we can go to the same company for intern~

Me: En, en~

The next day when I go to the class I see 3 of them chatting to themselves. I walked over to join them.

Me: Hey, morning~

Xiao Kai: Morning~

Me: Yesterday I am too rush, but I wanted to ask how did you know I got accepted to XX Company?

Yuan: We have our source of course~

Me: If that is the case, can you check if both Xiao Xi and Xiao Ying able to get accepted or not?

Xiao Kai: Both of them apply to be intern there?

Me: Yeah~

Qian Xi: What are they good at?

Me: Both of them is good at programming logic~

Xiao Kai: Really?

Me: Yeah, please don't look down on us girls okay!

Qian Xi: Here is a code, proof it to us if you do not want us to look down you.

I grab the code and walk over to the girls. I explain to them what is going on and both of them got fire up by it as well. They spend 1 hour finding out the problem of the code and fix it.

I walk back to the guys giving a victory sign.

Me: Nah, done~

Yuan: Just 1 hour and you're done?

Me: Yeap~

Qian Xi: Let me take a look.

Xiao Kai: How it is?

Qian Xi: *nod* They found the problem and fix it as well.

Xiao Kai: Okay, rest assure both of them will be accepted into XX Company. Give me their email address.

I happily give them Xiao Ying and Xiao Xi email address. True enough that night both of them receive admittance email. We are so happy that we went out celebrating it~


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