Appetite Change?

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*Xiao Yang P.O.V*

At breakfast table normally I will have western breakfast but today I don't know why I feel like vomiting when I see it. I push away the breakfast and ask for a bowl of oatmeal.

Qian Xi: Are you sure? You hate that.

Me: Yeah, I feel like eating oatmeal now...

After my oatmeal being serve I eat it happily. Qian Xi is dumbfounded by my action. To be honest I am not sure why I act like that as well.

For whole week I am acting like this, the food that I use to like I hate it now. The food I use to hate I like it very much now. My eating appetite become bigger, and every morning I will vomit.

Father and mother is not around for this whole week so I and Qian Xi deem it as I am feeling stressful. On Saturday night, mother and father come back from their long holiday. Mother know I like to eat milk chocolate so she bought me some.

Mom: Xiao Yang, I can't find just milk chocolate if you don't want the dark chocolate you can let Qian Xi eat it.

Me: Mom, it's okay. I suddenly crave for dark chocolate.

Mom: But you don't like dark chocolate don't you?

Qian Xi: Mom she had been acting like this for this whole week. I guess she is feeling stress that's why her appetite change.

Mom: Xiao Yang, did you vomit in the morning?

Me: Yes, how did you know?

Mom: Did you like to eat all those that you use to hate and your eating appetite had become bigger?

Me: Yes...

Mom: Did you feel tired every day and seems like no matter how long you sleep it is not enough?

Me: *nod*

Mom: Qian Xi, call Dr.Lee over.

Qian Xi: Okay, but why?

Mom: Just call him.

Qian Xi take out his phone and call Dr. Lee to come over. An hour later, Dr. Lee arrive with Yuan and Xiao Kai.

Me: You all come together?

Xiao Kai: We meet Dr. Lee outside so we come in together.

Then mom when over to Dr. Lee and whisper something to him. He nod and ask me some question and ask for my urine to test. After all the questioning and taking my urine and tell us that the report will be out tomorrow. He will come over tomorrow again for to inform us.

The next day I come back early to wait for the report while Qian Xi busy with his work. After dinner Dr. Lee come over and pass me a report. I take a look at the report and look at Dr. Lee.

He smile to me then left the mansion, I stand there dumbfounded by the report. I when back to my room and wait for Qian Xi to come back. At 11PM finally he come back home, he open the door and saw me sitting on the sofa.

Qian Xi: Why are you still not sleep yet?

Me: Waiting for you.

Qian Xi: I am back now go to sleep, okay?

Me: You go take a bath first, I got something to tell you.

Qian Xi nod and go in to the washroom to take bath. 15 minute later, he come out with his hair still wet.

Qian Xi: What it is that you wanted to tell me?

Me: Dr. Lee come over and hand me this report just now.

Qian Xi: So how it is? What happen?

Me: You read for yourself.

Qian Xi: *take the report and read*

Me: What you read is the truth~

Qian Xi: *look at Xiao Yang with mouth open*

Me: Please close your mouth, a fly will be able to go in at this rate.

Then he run over to me and hug me!

Me: Hey, you shock me!

Qian Xi: I am going to be dad soon!

Me: Shhh, it's midnight now and I am just 2 months pregnant we can't tell people yet.

Qian Xi: Okay, okay. Faster sleep now, you and baby is tired as well.

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